Chapter 23

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Eunhyuk came back with a bucket. An unconscious Jimin and I were tied, back to back, on the ground. Donghae disappeared.

"Wake up your prince," Eunhyuk command. I mentally groan. I tried to wake up Jimin but he just won't wake. Maybe if they untied my hands then I can wake him up.

"He won't wake," I said, poking Jimin's hand. Eunhyuk groaned and aim the bucket at us. I gasped at the cold water hitting my skin. I felt Jimin jolt.

"WHAT THE HECK," he screamed, trying to get off the ground but failing.

"Glad your awake," Eunhyuk said, standing in front of Jimin. Jimin looked around the area. He looked at the man and groaned. I felt his fingers tapped my hand.

"Eunhyuk! How are you," Jimin smiled.

"Cut the act! Where's my money," Eunhyuk said, pushing his hair back. Jimin lightly chuckled.

"About that. You see I had the money but I was robbe-," Jimin got cut off by a punch.

"Park Jimin, I want my money now! I'm done playing nice," Eunhyuk said. Jimin sighed in defeat.

"Give me one more week, please," Jimin whispered. Eunhyuk scoffed and walked out of the room.

"I'm done giving you chances, Jimin," Eunhyuk said as he left the room. Jimin leaned his head back, hitting the top of my head. His cheek was throbbing and he was tired.

"May I ask what happened between you two," I asked, feeling Jimin's muscle relax.

"Can't you tell," Jimin asked. I nodded.

"What did you do," I asked. Curiosity began eating at me. I felt Jimin's body weight lie on me.

"I stoled something from him," Jimin shrugged. I nodded and tried to use my muscle to push him back. Another thought came to my head as I thought about Jimin.

"How come you steal so much? I mean Ms.Kang seems to have enough to support you," I asked. Jimin felt me struggling so he stopped leaning on me.

"Your asking a lot about my life," Jimin chuckled. "You've seen my life but I barely know anything about you."

"What do you wanna know then," I asked. Jimin and I forgot about us being kidnapped. Well more like I don't know what to do so let's lighten the mood.

"You gave us a fake identity didn't you," Jimin asked. My eyes widen. Jimin felt my muscle tense. "I'm right."

"What are you talking about," I asked. I need to play clueless. I've been through this much and I still haven't found my mother! I'm getting distracted way to easily.

"Y/n, I've play a thief for many years now. I talk to many people to get what I want. I've learned a thing or two about lying," Jimin explained. "So who are you?"

I kept quiet, not knowing what to say. I can't tell him I'm a princess. This is just going down hill and not what I've planned. Should I just go back to the castle and deal with not knowing my mother?

Jimin noticed my silence. He slowly nodded in understanding. Who would tell a stranger about their life? Jimin would Because he thought his life wasn't as interesting and it sounded like every other life in this town. Besides the stealing.

I shivered. My body began to feel cold. Oh right. I forgot about the cold water being splashed. Jimin felt me shiver. He felt bad for dragging an innocent person into his situation. He tried getting out of the ropes. I felt his hands move around.

"What are you doing," I quietly asked.

"Getting us out of here," Jimin whispered back. I felt happy hearing those words. My butt was getting tired of the ground and I need to stand. I also gotta use the lady's restroom.

"How can I help," I asked.

"Sit there and look normal," Jimin replied. I pouted. I wanted to help so we could get out of here faster but guess not. Footsteps were heard. I moved my hand away so Jimin's hand stop fiddling. Jimin heard it too and stopped.

Eunhyuk came into the room with Donghae. Eunhyuk smirked when I looked at him.

"Jimin, who's this," Eunhyuk asked.

"Y/n," I answered. Eunhyuk walked towards me. He bended down in front of me. I gave him my best puppy eyes. He grabbed my jaw.

"Eunhyuk," Donghae said, warningly. Why is this guy even working with Eunhyuk?! I mean he sounds way too nice to do a job like this. Eunhyuk's grip tighten on my jaw, making me wince.

My eyes wander down to my legs then an area where all men are weak to. I lifted my leg up and used my leg muscle to kick Eunhyuk's crotch. He jumped and put his hands between his legs.

"Bitch," Eunhyuk murmured. Donghae went to his side and helped him up. Jimin couldn't see what was happening but he heard the quiet cry of pain. The two males walked out of the room.

I felt Jimin's arm fiddle against the ropes.

"Good job," Jimin said. I smiled.

"Thank you," I said. His question popped up in my head. To me, Jimin seems trustworthy but not trustworthy to anything related to riches. "I'm Y/n and I'm not married to anyone. I'm not a thief like you."

Jimin smiled as I opened up. His ears perked as he heard footsteps coming back. Jimin stopped messing with the ropes. A man with a mask came in. He undid the rope and grabbed my wrist. The man appearance made me shake in fear. Will I die today? Already? With nothing accomplished?

"Hey!" Jimin said, standing up to "save" me but the man pushed him down.

He dragged me to a stone wall. He lifted both my arms up and tied them together. He took another rope out of his pockets and tied that on a hook that was on the ceiling. He connected the ropes.

Jimin was watching carefully, making sure I wasn't getting hurt. Jimin was free and had a chance to run out of the place. He would do it but something in him told him no and that he needs to protect her. That was new to him since he usually doesn't care for others unless they are close to him.

The man went over to Jimin. He pulled another rope out and grabbed Jimin's wrist. Jimin thrashed around and tried to get out of the man's hold. The man grabbed Jimin's head and slammed it to the ground.

"Jimin!" I gasped wanting to run to him. Damn it these ropes!

Luckily the skull didn't break but their was a ringing in Jimin's right ear now. Jimin moaned in pain. The man tied Jimin's wrist then left the room.

"Jimin, are you okay," I asked. Jimin answered with a groan. I tried to yank the rope off of me but my strength sucks.

"I'm fine," Jimin quietly said. He slowly got off the ground. He looked at his wrist then his legs. He began to wonder why they tied his wrist but not his legs. He looked over at the female.

He slowly walked over to me. I examined his face. He had a bruise on his cheek and his right ear was bleed. I panicked.

"Jimin, your not okay," I said, wanting to hold him but these dumb ropes!

Jimin lifted his arms to touch his ear. It was still ringing but he was okay.

"Y/n calm down. I'm okay," Jimin smiled to assure me. He sat down in front of me. "I've been through worst."

I pouted. Jimin doesn't deserve this. Yes he steals but he steals because needs it. Wait what am I saying!? A thief is a thief. They steal and it's not fair for others who have to pay. But Jimin is so kind.

"I have a plan," Jimin said, cutting off my thoughts. I nodded for him to continue. Jimin, What are you doing to me? I might have a clue but it's wrong. I'm a princess and your a thief. It's not right.

A/n: Ik I said I'll discontinue this but I found this on my phone and was like why not just publish these. There's another one coming.

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