Chapter 15

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Jungkook ran through the crowds, mumbling strings of curse words. Jimin and Taehyung stayed back in the house.

"Shouldn't we help," Taehyung asked, looking around the house for any clues. Jimin shrugged and jumped on the couch.

"It's not my business," Jimin said, pushing his hair back. Taehyung bit his lip and turn to glare at his friend.

"You know you've been pissing me off today and we both know I don't get piss off," Taehyung said. He held his own arms to prevent any violence happening.

"Why are you getting piss at me? I'm still the same Jimin," Jimin said, getting off the couch. Taehyung sighs.

"Because! Look at you! For once in your life, can you actually help someone without expecting anything in return or help someone that isn't a child or poor," Taehyung angrily said. He stomped out of the house to help Jungkook look for Y/n.

Jimin stood in the house in shock. He slowly walked out of the house.

"What's he talking about? I do help people and I never get anything in return. That's pretty much my life," Jimin said, rolling his eyes. His eyes wander down the less crowded road.

He spotted a familiar h/c hair with golden pins being dragged by a cape person.

"Now where are those kids," Jimin mumbled, looking towards the other road, which had more people. He shrugged and began walking away from the familiar female.

"You're really just gonna leave her?"

"She's just trying to find her friend's mother."

"Isn't your life suppose to help people?"

Jimin groan and turned around. He walked towards the cape woman, mentally punching himself. It's none of my business so why am I helping her? I only help the poor not the thieves.

Jimin walked beside the cape woman. He watched as she struggle to drag Y/n. Nobody even glance at the two.

"Excuse me, do you need help," Jimin ask, hoping that the woman won't recognize him. Mrs.Kim turned to Jimin. Jimin put on a sweet smile.

"Ah, yes! Thank you. My niece loves to drink until she passes out," Mrs.Kim chuckled, trying her best to act. Jimin followed along and picked up the female. He sighs quietly in relief. Plan starts now.

"Drinking until she passes out?! Now that's dangerous," Jimin gasped. "especially if there are men around." Jimin winked. Now become those men. Jimin eyed the female body up and down. She's right. She got some things to show.

Mrs.Kim sarcastically laughed, seeing the young boy.

"My niece is not an object, so please stop looking at her like that," she said, her voice turning colder then her usual sweet, honey like voice. Jimin shivered and nodded.

"Sorry," Jimin said, thinking if he should run now. Will she be able to catch up to me?

"Where are you taking her," Jimin asked. The elder pointed at the castle. Jimin's eyes widen. Why the palace?! Oh, wait, she must be turning y/n in.

"There?! Why," Jimin asked, wanting to make sure his answer was correct. The elder lady chuckled.

Mrs.Kim figured out that the princess is out of the palace. Her evidence, one there are more palace guards around the town. Two, well the princess herself admitted. She created a plan to bring the princess back into the palace, in return she would see her son, again.

"I want to see if there is medicine for my niece. I want her to stop drinking," Mrs.Kim lied. Jimin purse his lips, reading through her lie. Let's run now.

Jimin turned his head around slightly to make sure nobody is behind him. Jimin mentally curse, seeing two guards right behind them. He put on Y/n's hood and kept his head low.

"You know, I kept wondering if I know you from somewhere," Mrs.Kim asked, trying to get a good look at Jimin. Jimin mentally cursed again and looked down at Y/n. Come on you idiot! Wake up!

As if Y/n read his mind while she was unconscious, her eyes fluttered open to show her beautiful e/c orbs. Jimin saw this and instantly lit up.

"Looks like your niece is awake," Jimin said, loud enough for the guards to hear. This way, they won't suspect us.

"Oh, yes she is," Mrs.Kim said. Her head looks back and spots the guard. She looks at the royal family crest.

Y/n groan in pain and rubbed her throbbing head. Jimin leans closer to her face, causing her to slap him.

"Yah! Listen," Jimin said, annoyed. "You didn't even slap me when I kissed you."

Y/n rolled her eyes and looked around her surroundings. Her eyes widen when she made eye contact with the lady that almost killed her. Wait, Jimin?! Y/n turns to the blonde boy, who's face was inches away from hers.

"Listen, we need to run. The guards are behind us and I feel Mrs.Kim is gonna do something," Jimin whispered. He was thinking about just carrying the female but he remembered how the female ran. He also can't run with 30 pounds in his hands while men that were trained chase after him.

Y/n moved her head a little to get a view of the guards. She mentally punched herself for being careless. She remember how the elder lady was talking about her son. She's only doing this because she wants her son back. A mother will go to extreme to protect or make sure their child is safe.

"Where's Tae and Kook," Y/n whispered. Jimin gave her a strange look at the nicknames.

"Looking for you," Jimin said, turning to Mrs.Kim. She stopped walking and waved at the guards. Her new plan, since the princess woke up, was to tell the guards she found the princess.

"Run," Jimin whispered, putting Y/n down. After she felt the ground, her legs went as fast as they can. Jimin followed behind her.

Mrs.Kim glared at the two's back. The guards ran up to her.

"Mam, do you need anything," one of the guards said after he caught up to the elder lady.

"She states that she is the princess. She had a royal pin," Mrs.Kim said, pointing a finger at the female. The guards turn to each other. One ran after the two while the other stayed back.

"The lady you speak of is not the princess. The princess is in her room, getting prepared for her coronation. The royal pin must of been stolen or you are imaging things," the guards explained. Mrs.Kim nodded.

"But she has lied and entitle herself as the princess. This could cause chaos," Mrs.Kim said.

"Your right. Once we catch her, we will give you a reward," the guard smiled assuringly.

"I don't need gold. There's just one thing I want," Mrs.Kim said.

"We'll discuss this once we catch her," the guard bowed and ran after the other guard. Mrs.Kim watched as the guard disappeared from her sight.

She felt a whole load of guilt hit her. I'm putting someone else in danger for my happiness.

A/n: festa!!!! I don't have money to even watch it😭😭. For the people that post screenshots, I love y'all! And I'm late to say this but 5 years with bangtan! Congrats!!! It's like I'm a mother watching my kids grow up 😂😂.

Question of the day: favorite era

Mine is the run era because that was when I became an army

P.s. sorry for not updating in a long time. I don't even know why I'm not updating. I mean I've been busy but not busy busy. I'll try to update more often. Thank you again for reading this book!

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