Chapter 9

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"SHE WHAT," Queen Rochelle yelled causing the whole castle to jump in fear.

"She's not in her room or the library," a maid with short brown hair said with her head down. The queen got off of her chair and stomped towards the small maid.

"MAYBE YOU ARENT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH," she spatted. The small girl flinch but didn't dare to move. The king, who was sitting on his chair, listened. He sighs and eyed Namjoon.

Namjoon got the message to stop the Queen before she kills the maid. Namjoon lightly coughed. The queen glared at Namjoon.

"She must be in the palace some where. We will call all the servants to look for her. We will also get the guards to search outside the palace," Namjoon said, bowing at the end.

Queen Rochelle sighs and turn towards the small maid. "Go."

The small maid jumped and quickly walked out of the room. The queen turn towards Namjoon and smiled. "Instead of standing there, go and make the order!"

Namjoon nodded and left the room. The queen groan and went back on her chair.

"That little girl doesn't even know her spot," she said. "Being a Queen is a privilege!"

"She's unique. She'll be a good ruler. She's isn't ready to become a queen so give her some time," the king said, laying his hand on top of her's. She scoffed and stomped out of the room.


Namjoon had order everyone to do their parts. The servants are scattered around the palace. The guards are searching outside the palace. Namjoon entered the kitchen to see a handsome chef cooking.

"Your suppose to be searching not cooking," Namjoon said, crossing his arms. Jin looked up from his pot and smiled.

"My job is to serve the royal family the best food not search for a little girl," Jin said, tasting the soup. Namjoon rolled his eyes. Jin gagged and looked down at his soup.

"Princess," he corrected and entered the dinning room. He jumped when he saw Yoongi sleeping on the table with a knife.

"Jin, why is Yoongi here," Namjoon asked as he renter the kitchen. Jin shrugged, sprinkling salt into the pot.

"The man is always sleeping at this hour," Jin replied, turning the stove off.

"Can you at least wake him up," Namjoon asked. Jin shook his head.

"Last time you woke him up, there was almost a murder. He also has a knife," Jin chuckled. Namjoon shivered at the memory.

"We have a missing princess and none of your guys aren't helping," Namjoon groan, running his fingers through his blonde hair. A gasp was heard from the other side of the kitchen. Jin and Namjoon turned towards the voice.

"Y/n is missing?"

"Ah, Prince Hoseok! No, she is just hiding. She loves to do this early in the morning," Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why lie to the prince," Jin whispered towards Namjoon. Namjoon lightly slapped his arm and smiled at the prince. Jin rolled his eyes and tasted his soup.

"There it is baby," Jin mumbled.

"Please don't lie to me. If y/n is missing, at least let me help," Hoseok said, looking at Namjoon for answers. Jin elbowed the blonde male.

"I got it," Yoongi said. Namjoon jumped into Jin's arms in surprise of Yoongi being awake. Jin laughed and dropped Namjoon to the ground.

Namjoon groan and got back up, rubbing at his lower back. He turns to Yoongi and searched for the knife. It was gone. Namjoon relaxed and waited for him to continue.

"Got what," Hoseok asked. Yoongi bowed to the prince then got back up.

"The princess location," Yoongi said, leaning against the wall.

"Do we have the same answer then. I saw her last night so of course I know where she is," Jin happily said. Namjoon's eyes widen.

"Well! Where is she," Namjoon said. Jin shook his head and 'zipped' his lips. Jin looked at Yoongi to not say a word. They both had a conversation with their eyes.

"Zip it and I'll let you sleep without the queen knowing," Jin's eyes said.

"Yes sir and I want your cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner," Yoongi's eyes said. Jin nodded.

"Why are we hiding this," Yoongi asked. Jin shushed him.

"Jk was with her. I think they look cute together and I'm letting them have their fun," Jin's eyes said. He also added a wink at the end. Yoongi didn't understand what Jin's eyes were saying.

"Deal," Yoongi said, still confused about Jin's last statement.

Namjoon watched the two older males communicate with their eyes. Hoseok was confused and tried to translate the eye language.

The door to the kitchen opened abruptly. There stood two sweaty guards.

"Yoongi sir! We know the location of the princess," one of the guards said. Namjoon eyes widen and he waited for their answers so he can report to the queen.

"I don't care about where she is. Go report it to Namjoon," Yoongi said, leaving the kitchen. Jin patted Namjoon's back and followed Yoongi.

"Well," Namjoon said, crossing his arms. The guards nodded.

"Joon-Young and Yu-Chan were guarding the princess last night. They said she stepped out of her room but never came back," the guard said. Namjoon sighs.

"Was she still in her pajamas," Namjoon asked. The guards nodded.

She must of been kidnapped then. Namjoon took a deep breath in. He needed to stay calm in order to find the princess in a peaceful manner.

"Call all servants to the royal room. I'll report to the queen," Namjoon said. The guards nodded and exited out of the room. Namjoon followed suit but stopped in front of the prince.

"Prince Hoseok, it would be a good time to head home. We will find her. We promise," Namjoon smiled. Hoseok returned the smile back.

"I'm sorry Namjoon but I just can't sit here. I'm a future king and what's a king sitting on his behind and not trying to save his queen," Hoseok said, skipping out of the kitchen.

"A COWARD," Hoseok yelled his answer. A loud thump was heard, making Namjoon run out of the kitchen to see Hoseok's face on the ground.

"I'm okay," Hoseok said, getting off the floor and dusted off the invisible dust. Namjoon chuckled and followed the prince.

A/n: holy mother of kimchi. 268 readers! That's so many (probably not a lot to y'all but to me it is) . Thank you so much for the votes and comments! I'm just gonna end my author's note here since I know nobody gonna read this.

But thank you so much and please continue to vote and comment. I'll try to make it as interesting as possible.

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