Chapter 5

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"Up! Princess! It's time for the rehearsal," Jin said, moving the window curtains and letting the bright light hit my face. The one day I finally get to rest is ruined by a stupid rehearsal.

I hissed at the ray of lights and turned the other way around. Jin sighs and removed the blankets off of me. Noooo! My husband! I began to whine and thrash around on my bed.

"Princess, get up. Your mother will be upset with your unladylike behavior," Jin said. He's right. That witch will probably put more lessons on me.

I groan and got out of bed. Jin smiled seeing me up and walking to the bathroom.

"I'll bring a maid up to help you in your dress," Jin said, leaving me alone in my room. I turn the lights on in the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I turn the tub and waited for the water to get warm.

The water is gonna take forever to warm up. Why not go take look outside? I put on my robe and walked out of the bathroom. I entered my balcony and lean against the railing.

Everyone in the town is up and working. The town looks small from where I'm standing. The people are like ants, marching around, talking, laughing.

What if today's a good day? I walk back into my room and laid on the laid next to my bed. I reached my hand under the bed, trying to feel a familiar piece of wood.

My hands felt a whole bunch of dust but it bumped into the wood and I pulled it out. I ordered the maids to not clean under my bed, so they don't find this. The chalkboard with my plan on it. I got the board when I was 16. I began to plan my adventure to go out of this palace, writing everything on this board.

I looked at the board, rereading my writing. There were two plans on it. One was to become queen and just go out. The other plan was to sneak out of the palace and get Jin or Namjoon to cover me up.

Plan 1: queen
- no need to worry about witch
- parade for me
- attention is on muah

- guards will surround me
- wait for more years to go out
- a statement that says If I go out I'm throwing a parade
- another statement, if I go out freely I have to wear a mask
- can't talk to any of the citizens unless it's a town announcement ( meaning can't find mother easily)

Plan 2: sneak out
- no need to wait for years
- more rebellious against witch
- will make witch mad
- witch won't realize I'm gone if Jin or Namjoon occupy her
- can find mother easily

- I'll get in trouble
- punishment
- Jin and Namjoon will have their heads off
- guards will go looking for me
- when I become queen, I'll be the talk of the kingdom
- names like peasant or weird will be thrown 

Main goal: find mother

I puffed my cheeks out. Might as well just sneak out. I feel isolated enough in this room and there is more pros in plan 2 then plan 1. Maybe I should take out the idea of having Jin and Namjoon into my plan. That'll take out some cons.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. I put the board under my bed and quickly got off the floor. Crap! I left the water on! I ran towards the bathroom. My eyes widen, seeing the tub over fill, spilling onto the floor. Crap!

The maid knocked on the door again. I groan and walk across the bathroom to turn the water off. I carefully got out of the bathroom, without slipping, and closed the bathroom door. This problem can be solved later.

"Come in," I said, sitting in front of the make up desk. The door opened, revealing an annoyed maid. I nervously smiled at her through the mirror.


I finish getting dolled up and I was following the maid to the room that my coronation is going to be held. My hair felt heavy, so I had my head down. How much hair spray is in my hair? It don't matter. I can start planning my sneak out now. The coronation is coming up so should I just wait until I become queen?

I was too busy into my thoughts that I didn't notice the maid turned a corner. I walk into the wall, making me stumble and feeling pain on my nose. I felt my heavy hair pull my whole body back. Before I could fall to the floor, which by the way I wish would happen so I could be hurt and the queen will have to cancel rehearsal, one of the guards caught me. His hands wrapped around my waist.

I looked at the guard and my eyes widen. No wonder my nose hurt. I ran into someone's armor.

"Princess, please be careful." I nodded, feeling my voice gone. He's so breathtaking up close. The new guard, Jungkook. I gulped.

"Jungkook!," the maid stomped towards us. "You are not suppose to touch the princess!"

"Ah, I didn't mean to! She was about to fall," Jungkook stuttered, feeling scared. The queen gave him a warning after he bumped into her. The queen told the young male that if he cause trouble again, for sure he will be boiled.

"Your just like all the other young guards! All wanting to sleep with the princess," the maid scowled. I felt Jungkook's hand tighten around my waist.

"He's right. I wasn't paying attention and I ran into the...wall and I almost fell back. That would of been a disaster," I said, finding my voice. The maid scoffed and grabbed my wrist.

She dragged me towards the room. I look back and put a small smile to show my thanks. Jungkook didn't see it. He went back into his position of being a statue.

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