Chapter 19

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I slowly pulled the golden pins out of my hair. I was the only one awake. Jungkook kicked me off the bed, waking me up.

I got the last pin out of my hair. Seven pins laid in front of me. My hair felt lighter now but it needs to be brushed. I ran my fingers through my hair to get knots.

The town is already awake. How do these boys not wake up? I looked over the ledge to see people working or talking. You know, I snuck out of the palace to explore not stay stuck in a house.

I grabbed my cape and wrapped it around me. I put the pins in the pocket inside the cape. I walked to the door that leads inside the house. Let's hope I don't get caught by Ms.Kang.


Ms.Kang was not seen in the house so I didn't have to walk out of the house all sneaky. I walked around the town, making sure to stay away from the guards and making sure to keep my cape on.

At least I don't have my pins in. I looked around the town to see foods, jewels, fortune tellers, and other things you can think of in a town. I wanted to try it all but I don't have money. Ah so this is the life of a normal person. I don't wanna sound greedy but I kind of love my life now. Minus the witch and Namjoon's lesson.

"Yeah the coronation is in 4 days and they haven't set anything up."

"Weird, they usually finish the decorations early."

I stopped walking when I heard about the coronation. It's really in 4 days. I looked at the two people talking. Behind them was this big bulletin board with a whole bunch of posters on them.

One of them stood out from all the other posters. It was about the coronation which will be held on Friday. The coronation that will end the ruling of queen Rochelle. The kingdom will be back to its original colors. The happy colors not the gloomy colors.

"I wish the day could go faster so I don't have to worry about the queen being behind my back."

"Who knows her daughter could be as evil as her."

I walked away from their conversation. I don't know, I just didn't want to hear it anymore. Queen, a lovely title but is it worth it? A title with great responsibility.

"Idiot." Someone said and smacked the back of my head. I lightly stumbled forward. I turned to the blonde man and glared at him.

"You aren't suppose to hit a girl," I pouted. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You aren't a girl, your a man," Jimin said, putting his arms up and began flexing them. I smiled.

"Why thank you. I wanted someone to see that I can be a man and a girl," I said, flipping my hair. Jimin chuckled and stuff his hands into his pockets.

"So Why are you up so early," Jimin asked.

"I was kicked off the bed," I said, rubbing my back. Jimin laughed and I glared at him.

"Sorry but I wouldn't expect your husband to kick you off the bed," Jimin said, holding back his laugh.

"Me too," I mumbled. Jimin stopped laughing and looked at my sulking form.

"You had breakfast yet," Jimin softly asked. I shook my head. Jimin thought about getting a breakfast at those nice small restaurants but he forgot he had no money.

"There's still some rice porridge back at the house," Jimin suggested. I smiled and nodded. We headed back to the house.


"I'm very sorry princess! I didn't mean to," Jungkook whispered after I told him how he kicked me off the bed. I shushed him.

"Stop calling me princess! Y/n is fine," I said. "I thought I commanded you to call me  Y/n."

Jungkook shrugged. "I don't remember."

"Here are your bowls," Taehyung said, laying two bowls of rice porridge.

"Thank you," I smiled. Taehyung smiled back and sat down beside me. He dug right into his bowl.

"Idiot, your gonna choke," Jungkook warned, staring at Taehyung is disgust. Jimin walked into the dinning room and sat beside Jungkook.

"After this we are going to help Ji-Hyun out with the kids," Jimin said, getting his food. I lightly gasped and quickly ate my food. I can finally began my plan on making Jimin married. The plan made my stomach twist.

Ji-Hyun and Jimin would look like a great couple. Jimin is already in love with the girl but I don't know about Ji-Hyun. Time to find out today.

A knock erupted our quiet eating time. We all looked at each other then at the direction of the front door. Jimin sighed and stood up to check who it is.

"Palace guards! House inspection, queen orders!"

All our eyes widen. Jimin and Taehyung were on the royal wanted list and if the guards see them then they are for sure going to jail. Jungkook and I, well you know!

Jungkook lightly coughed and pointed up the stairs. We nodded and tip toed our way up the stairs. The door was banged again.


I felt my heart leap in fear, so I quickly walked up the stairs faster. The others followed. We made it on the roof and I turned to Jungkook.

"Now what," I whispered. Jungkook looked around to find an exit. He mentally cursed to see no exit unless they jump off the roof, which will hurt the princess.

A thud was heard down the stairs. I jumped and mentally cursed. I looked around for an exit. The only way was to jump. I looked over at the other guys. They were moving the furniture to block the door.

"Let's jump," I suggested, walking over to the ledge. The jump didn't look that bad, just maybe a few broken bones and cuts. The building was probably 13 feet. Perfectly fine.

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung began whispering to each other. I tip toed behind Jimin to hear but they turned away from each other and began walking away. Jimin looked at me.

"Come here," Jimin said, grabbing my hand and guiding me to the ledge. A bang was heard on the door. Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other.

"So whats happening," I asked, looking behind me at Jungkook and Taehyung. They were leaning on the furniture. I looked back at Jimin, who was looking over the ledge.


"Do you trust me," Jimin asked, cutting me off. I gave him a weird look but slowly nodded. He smiled. "Good!"

Jimin grabbed my waist and he jumped with me in his arms. The wind blew in my hair and I swear that was the best thing I've ever done!

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