Sup yall

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Okay soooooooo fun fact. All stories wrote before April were when I was virgin. I am now not. I'm confused on something's right now. I'm trying to decide of I want to keep someone or let them go to please my family and quit the arguing. But I'm happy with this person....mostly. He is a butt sometimes.
Anywhore story time!!!!

The music was loud. The room dark. Bodies moved on the dance floor. People were dark shapes at tables. It's Prom! I'm wearing my black lace dress, with black heels that are so cute. He's wearing his jeans , boots and a blue button up cowboy shirt that matches the color of his eyes. Normally I'm way shorter than him, but with these heels I'm only an inch shorter. After a few minutes I take the heels off. We start to dance to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I'm looking at him and he looks at me. It's perfect. He kisses me and I kiss him.      

Okay so I'm not finishing this story. The boy this is about left me. I'm tired of being left and hurt by him so I told him he fucked his last chance and I told him goodbye. I keep going back to this night though. As much as I want to tell him I love him and want him back I can't tell him that one because he has anther girl but also because I can't let myself be hurt by a boy who won't stay with me. My heart hurts and I've cried a lot but honestly , he's probably not going even matter in six months. So I'm moving on slowly. I hope all of you find someone who loves you through all life's struggles. May Aphrodite be on your side.

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