Chapter 1

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Well I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Y/N Rose, adopted daughter of Summer Rose. Yeah, I'm adopted. I found out when I was 5, Tai had left the papers out where F/N and I saw them. Surprisingly, my older sisters Ruby, and Yang never found out, and I intend to keep it that way. My sisters were recruited to go to Beacon, and they did. Although I left to go to Beacon a year later, without them knowing. You see, my older sisters are really overprotective of me, so they won't let me do anything dangerous including going to Beacon. So here I am with my team walking around Beacon.  Speaking of teammates I should introduce them. There is Yomi or known as dead master. Then there is Kagari or also known as Chariot. Last but not least is Saya, or Black Gold Saw. And I'm the leader of our team. 

We were walking around the courtyard, and I had my hood up covering my face. If Yang or Ruby found out I was here, then they would try and send me back home. Now my teammates wouldn't allow that of course, we were like a 2nd family. I cautiously scanned the courtyard, making sure my sisters and their team was nowhere to be found. Eventually we sat down a bench where we struck up a conversation,

"Hey guys. What do you think of Weiss?" I asked slightly curious. My friend Jaune always talk about her, but I honestly thought she acted too much like a tsundere.

"She's a bitch." Kagari stated flatly glaring 

"Woah, that kind of language already?" I chuckled smiling at her

"Shut up." Kagari hissed, hitting my head

"Ow!" I rubbed my head where she hit me. I pouted and glared at her before Yomi spoke up,

"She's cold, and acts entitled."

I nodded before I look at Saya,

"Anything to add?"

"She's a brat."

"Well yeah, but don't you guys think she is a little cute?"

My teammates looked at me like I was crazy,

"I think Y/N's gone crazy." Kagari stated standing up

"I'm not crazy! I just think she's cute that's all.." I blushed looking at the ground

Suddenly Jaune came running up to us. Now Jaune was like an older brother to me. He cared for me just like my older sisters, except he wasn't as protective. 

"Y/N! Y/N!"

I glared at him as he ran over,

"Don't yell my name out loud!" I hissed looking around

"Sorry, but I need you to help me with something!"

I cocked an eyebrow,

"What is it?"

"I want to ask Weiss to be my girlfriend."

"And why do you need me for that?"

"To be my support you know? Like moral support!"

I thought for a moment. I mean he's asking out one of my crushes, but there's a high chance of him being turned down. It's a plus for me if he gets turned down, but it would also make him bummed for awhile. I sighed before I stood up,

"Alright I'll come."

"Great!" Jaune smiled before he grabbed my arm pulling me with him

He dragged me in the direction he last saw team RWBY. A few moments later Jaune was pulling me towards them,

"WEISS!" He called gaining their attention

All four of them turned around and faced us. I made sure my hood was hiding my face as we stood in front of them. 

"What do you want Jaune? And who is that beside you?" Weiss scolded him

"Well this is my friend. And I wanted to ask you a question!" Jaune laughed nervously scratching the back of his head

"Well? Spit it out then. I'm busy."

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me!"

It was silent before Weiss started to laugh,

"You're kidding right? I would never go out with someone like you! Not even if you're the last person in Remnant!"

My eyes widened and I looked at Jaune. He looked completely heartbroken. He looked at the ground sadly, and I grit my teeth in anger.

"That's too far ice queen." I growled stepping forward

"Excuse me? Do you even know who you're talking to?" Weiss glared at me

"Yeah I know who you are. I don't care if your a Schnee, that was too far. You didn't need to break his heart like that." I growled stepping face to face with her, "And frankly your nothing without your older sister."

Jaune noticed the growing tension and grabbed my shoulder,

"Its fine."

"No its not Jaune!" I ripped my shoulder from his grip, "Someone needs to put ice queen in her place." I growled

 Suddenly Yang stood between us,

"Okay, I don't know who you are, but you need to back off."

I only laughed and looked up at her,

"I suggest moving out of the way. I don't want to hurt you."

"Well you're about to hurt one of my friends, so I'm not moving."

"Move out of the way Yang. I'll put her in her place." Weiss growled pushing her out of the way

"Bring it ice queen." I chuckled cracking my knuckles

I noticed Ruby was standing off to the side looking at me. She walked up to me and I looked at her,

"Do I know you?" She asked putting her hand on her chin

"Maybe, maybe not."

She reached up to take my hood off, and I slapped her hand away.

"Please do not touch my hood."

Yang shoved me, and I ended up bumping into Jaune.

"Don't slap any part of my sister!" Her eyes turned red, showing that she was angry

Jeez. There's the protective side of Yang that I've always known. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Yang move! Let me put this girl in her place!" Weiss yelled shoving both Ruby and Yang to the side

I rolled my eyes as Weiss stomped towards me. Jaune moved in front of me glaring down at her,

"Leave her alone Weiss."

"After what she said to me? No way!"

I sighed as Jaune turned around, grabbing my arm.

"Let's go Y/N."

My eyes widened, as did Jaune's when he realized what he said. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Ruby and Yang's shocked expressions.

"Y/N?" Yang asked stepping forward

I looked at Jaune and nodded,

"Yeah lets go." I slowly backed away before I took off running towards my teammates

"Y/N wait!" I heard Yang call after me. I heard her footsteps behind me, signalling that she was running after me. 

RWBY Harem x Fem! Black Rock ShooterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat