Chapter 23

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"Agreed. We've done enough talking." Adam glared at me causing me to chuckle 

"And even though I love to fight in front of an audience I don't want to be interrupted." I snapped my fingers and warriors were immediately beside me, "Take the others. The red head faunus is mine." I ordered 

They growled, basically saying they understood. They quickly charged forward as Adam and I clashed swords. I smirked and kicked him back. He growled before he rushed in again, our swords meeting over and over. I was holding myself back since I was very aware of his semblance. I can't let him absorb my energy, but if I do that then this fight will go nowhere. Suddenly Adam jumped back and started to shoot at me. I quickly deflected the bullets, some just barely missing him. I smiled as I saw that some of the bullets had hit him; but not enough to kill him or slow him down. This time I took to the chance and dashed towards him. I punched him repeatedly before laying a blow to his stomach, making him fly into a building. I watched the rubble as it laid there unmoving. I knew better than to let my guard down. Suddenly Adam shot out of the rubble, and fired at me. I quickly deflected the bullets, although Adam continued to charge forward. 

As I deflected the last bullet, he was right on top of me. I acted quickly and dodged the buff of his attack, but he was still able to scratch me. I growled as I felt his sword scratch me and I quickly kicked him back. As he recovered I charged him and went on the attack. I attacked in a fury of blows, some were blocked and others hit their target. I hit his sword out of his hand, and it scattered across the road. I smirked before I grabbed his face and slammed the back of his head against a nearby wall. I felt my right eye ignite in my F/C flame as I continued. I stopped after two more times and let go. His kneels buckled, but I didn't let him fall to the ground. I kneed him in the stomach as I activated my semblance. I punched him over and over in various areas and he gasped in pain. I smirked as I decided to get rid of that mask of his. I punched him right in the middle of his mask, and it broke in two. I looked at him amused as he glared at me his red eyes staring into mine,

"For a bull faunus you sure like a lot of red." I chuckled before I landed a punch to his stomach 

He growled as blood dripped out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes before I punched him in the face. He grit his teeth in pain as I continued my wrath before I landed an uppercut on him. I stepped away from him as he fell to the ground in pain. He started to crawl away slowly and I followed him with a smirk on my face. I put my foot on his back, and he collapsed with a groan. 

"Its such a shame that we were on opposite sides. You could've been a powerful ally. Instead you side with these weaklings." I motioned over to the huntress' as I removed my foot before kicking him in the ribs 

"T-There w-would be no p-point." He wheezed out as I stopped, "You and y-your allies w-would wipe out e-everyone. K-Killing h-humans and f-faunus' alike." 

"Yeah you're right about that." I chuckled looking down at him as I saw blood trickle down the side of his face 

I watched as he struggled to get up. I decided to let him stand as I thought he couldn't do anything else. 

"But t-there is one d-difference b-between us." He sputtered out

"And what is that?" 

"At l-least I have a h-heart."

As soon as he said that he charged towards me. He punched me in the stomach before running over to his sword. I looked at him as I clutched my stomach and he activated his semblance, 

"THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE!" Adam jumped up and went to strike me

Time seemed to slow down as he went to strike me. But before he could strike me a warrior jumped in front of me taking the hit. He cut the warrior directly in half, revealing me with a wicked smile on my face. I could tell he was confused as he looked down at me. I summoned my black rock cannon as he was still in the air. I shot him twice as he fell one in the chest and the other in the stomach. He landed on the ground with a thud as he struggled to breathe. I smirked and summoned my black rock sword,

"You were a good opponent Adam Taurus, but not good enough." 

He looked up at me,

"D-Damn you." And with that he went limp

I sighed before rolling my eyes. I looked up to see that some of the teams were still occupied with my warriors. I smirked before I started to walk towards team CFVY. The team glared at me as I walked towards them with my sword drawn. Suddenly the teams started to retreat and I smirked before I started to follow them. My smirk grew into a wicked smile as I continued until I heard a familiar voice,

'Enough. Do not follow them.' I heard my mother say

'But they're retreating! This is our chance to wipe them out!'


I gripped my head in pain as she screamed,

'Now return to me.' She ordered, 'They have a maiden on their side. I must train you for her.'

I growled before taking one last glance at the fleeing teams before going back to see my mother. 

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