Chapter 24

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Ozpin POV

I watched as my students ran back inside the gates of Beacon. I'm a little surprised that none of the warriors followed them, but then again M/N is unpredictable. I sighed before sitting back into my chair waiting for the others to come in my office. A few minutes later the elevator doors opened, revealing Ironwood, Winter, Raven and Glynda. As they stepped into my office the doors closed behind them. Ironwood stormed towards me,

"I don't know how you have a student with this much power." He glared down at me

I only glared back at him,

"She never uses her full power unless necessary." 

"Cut the bullshit Ozpin. She's killed a team within 3 minutes, and has taken down one of White Fang's leaders." Ironwood stated

"You know she would never do that voluntarily. From looking at her eyes her mother has almost full control over her." Raven glared at Ironwood

"When did the White Fang get involved?" I asked suspicious 

"Since I gave them the order." A voice said

I looked behind Ironwood to see a tiger faunus. Behind her was two of the transfer students from Haven,

"What do you mean?" I asked as they came forward

"I was ordered to take action, also I'm Sienna Khan. The leader of the White Fang." Sienna outstretched her palm, and I gladly shook it.

"Who ordered you?" Winter asked glaring at Sienna

"I'm afraid she wants to keep her identity secret." Cinder stated glaring at the Schnee 

I immediately sensed the attention and decided to calm everyone down,

"Now, now, don't be rude Ms.Schnee." 

Winter looked at Cinder one last time before getting back into her little stance. 

"We need to come up with a solution to defeat Black rock shooter. As far as we can see Y/N is gone." Glynda stated as her gaze lowered to the ground 

"I agree. If we need to defeat her mother then she must be defeated. She poses as a major threat to us, including that angel faunus, Damian." Raven moved her hand to her chin in thought as Ironwood spoke

"Nothing comes to mind. For now we just have to try and beat her in hand to hand combat." Raven sighed

I nodded,

"Of course, but for now everyone should get some rest. I know some of you may not be tired but you'll need your strength."

Everyone nodded before they left my office. It was quiet until I realized a presence was in the room,

"I know you're here."

F/N appeared from the shadows as he looked at me,

"She gave you the dart. I know she did." He glared at me, "She gave it to you for this exact reason." 

Flashback, Still Ozpin POV

1 day before the Vytal tournament....

I sat in my office looking over the coliseum. Suddenly I heard the elevator doors opened, and I turned around out of curiosity. Y/N stood in my office with a black rectangular box in her hand. I lifted an eyebrow as she walked towards me,

"What is it Y/N?" I asked as she remained silent

She set the box on my desk before she spoke,

"I want to give this to case my mother is able to get a hold of me." Her gaze settled on the ground

I opened the box to see some type of box with a dark liquid,

"What is in it?" I asked as I closed the lid

"Thats not important. Just know that if she does get a hold of me, this is the only way to stop me." 

"What will it do?" I asked suspicious 

"Just know that it will stop me. Now its time for me to give a question," I nodded, signaling her to continue, "Can I trust you when the time comes to use this?"

It went silent for a few moments before I pondered in thought,

"You can trust me." 

"Good. Also keep that in a hidden place. No one but you, F/N, my mother and I know about the dart." 

"Very well." I took my eyes off her before I set the box into one of my drawers, "Now-" I looked up only to realize that she was gone. 

Flashback over

"Tell me something F/N," I took the black box out of my drawer, "What does this dart do?" 

"All you need to know is that it'll stop her. All you need to do is give it to your best sniper, and tell them to aim at her neck." He glared at me

"Why won't either of you tell me what it does?" I glared back at him

"If I tell you then you won't use it, and besides.." F/N started to disappear, "You'll find out."

I opened the box and took out the dart as F/N disappeared. I examined it carefully before putting it back in the box,

"Poor child. You never deserved this."

??? POV

I watched on my scroll as some mysterious forces invaded Vale. My ears twitched as I saw my daughter fighting these weird looking things. Earlier I had gotten a message from my daughter along with someone named Qrow. They said that they needed my help, but I really didn't see the point. Although after much persuading I finally agreed. I decided to bring Ilia since this could be a chance for her to get along with humans. They sent an airship for the both of us, so it should be here in the next few minutes. My ears perked up as I heard the engines of the ships nearby. I stood up and grabbed my bag before walking outside. Ilia was waiting for me by the airship. She hopped into the ship before I put my bag on the ship. Right ad I was about to get on I heard my husband call out to me,

"Kali!? What do you think you're doing?!"

I looked back at him,

"I'm going to help pur daughter. If these creatures take Vale then they may take over the other kingdoms before coming here!"

"It's dangerous! You could get k-"

I blocked him out before going up to the pilot,

"Lets go." I ordered

He nodded before he took off, with Ghira still yelling for me to come back.

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