Chapter 17

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A/N: Sorry for the long update! I was working on this chapter, and then I had to go to the hospital! Thanks for waiting patiently!


As Cinder walked me through Salem's castle my nerves started to go a little crazy. I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't nervous-I was. No one just says 'Hey! Take me to Salem!' unless they're insane. As we approached what seemed like a throne room it was deathly quiet in the halls except for the sound of footsteps. Cinder kept taking glances at me, and I don't know if their friendly or not. When we approached the doors I took a deep breath before Cinder opened them,

"Cinder? What are you doing here?" I heard Salem ask

"Well my queen someone wanted to see you." Cinder steppes aside revealing me

"You!!" Salem's eyes flowed a bright red

"Your majesty," I got down on one knee looking up at her, "All I wish is to talk to you."

"And why should I listen to the child of my sworn enemy?" Salem questioned with an eyebrow raised

"Because her child wishes to rid Remnant of her presence." I answered back

Salem went quiet for a few moments before she finally spoke,

"Very well. Cinder leave us."

Cinder nodded and left the room. Salem gestured for me to sit down and I took a seat not too far from her.

"What did you want to talk about with me?" Salem questioned

"You very well know that my mother is almost ready to attack." I started, and Salem nodded, "Well I was hoping that you would help me...take care of her."

"And why should I help you?" Salem asked standing up

"Well you get rid of your sworn enemy, and you get rid of competition for Remnant." I looked up at her as she made her way to my seat

"Hm you're right about that..although I want something else."

I looked at Salem confused,

"What else do you want?"

A smirk made its way onto her face as her eyes glowed a bright red,


"What?" My mind went completely blank

"You heard me child."

"One I don't know you well, and two you're kind of like my enemy." I looked up at her

"Well those is my terms." Salem walked back to her throne, "Now are you going to accept or decline my offer?"

Cinder POV 

I was sitting outside the throne room waiting for Y/N. I started to get worried when she didn't show up after awhile. I was about to go to into the throne room when the doors opened. Y/N walked out and I saw Salem smirking in the background. As the doors closed behind Y/N I approached her,

"You okay?" I asked

"Y-Yep I'm fine." She smiled

I could tell she was lying but I didn't push it. She looked a little taken back, so I grabbed her hand to comfort her. She smiled at me before I started to take her back to Beacon.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N bugging chibi Cinder 

As we finally got back to the festival Y/N turned to me,

"I guess I owe you a favor." 

"Yeah I guess you do." I smirked

"Well I should go meet up with my team. They're probably worried about me." Y/N chuckled

"Yeah you should better go.."

"Alright! Cya later!"

"Wait! One more thing!" I called out to her making her turn around 


I walked over to her as she stopped. I gently grabbed her chin before softly kissing her lips. I could feel her tense up before she slowly kissed back. We separated a few moments later. Y/N was blushing as red as Ruby's cape,

"Well-I um should uh g-get going." Y/N stuttered 

"Mhm bye." I smirked as she ran off

Your POV

I jogged away from Cinder with my face a tomato. I didn't expect her to kiss me! I almost tripped over my feet when someone caught me. I looked up to recognize team NDGO,

"Oh hey girls!" 

I noticed that Nebula had caught me. 

"Hey Y/N." Octavia answered as I got out of Nebula's arms

"Why is your face red?" Dew asked walking towards me

"N-No reason!" I chuckled nervously

"Then why are you stuttering?" Gwen asked suspicious 

"Its just a habit I get sometimes." I lied smiling at them

"Okay well-wait. Is that lipstick on your lips?" Nebula glared at me

"What!?" I wiped my lips and sure enough there was lipstick, "Shit. Shit. Shit!" I muttered

Once I was sure it was off I looked back at the girls, who seemed to be jealous. 

"You know I think I should get going.." I chuckled nervously

I started to walk away when one of the girls grabbed my collar pulling me back. I looked back to see that Octavia had my collar, and they all lead me to a nearby bench. It wasn't out in the open, but at the same time the bench wasn't hidden either. Nebula made me sit on her lap while May and Gwen sat beside her. Octavia decided to stand right in front of me, making me more nervous than before. 

"U-Um..." I stuttered looking up meeting Octavia's gaze

"Relax. We're not going to do anything." Gwen smiled

I bet Ruby's cookies that's a lie. 

"W-Well I need to meet up with m-my team." I tried to stand up when Nebula wrapped her arms around my waist, bringing me back to her lap. I grit my teeth in pain, but luckily the girls didn't see it, 

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you stayed with us for a few minutes." Dew replied, a smile making its way on her face

"Okay, I'm sure my team doesn't even know who you are, so that's a definite no." I looked at her

They didn't listen and Nebula kept me on her lap. I looked around for any means of escape, I mean being in the middle of four jealous girls is not good. I saw Jaune who was looking at me. I kept mouthing 'help me' to him, but of course he didn't get it. Eventually after the 20th time it finally clicked inside his brain. He walked over to us, and the girls immediately looked at him,

"Can we help you?" Dew asked with venom

"Well I couldn't help but notice.." Jaune started

I started to tone out the conversation when Nebula's grip started to loosen. Once it was loose enough I jumped up and ran,


"After her!" I heard Nebula command her team

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