Chapter 14

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I finally met up with my team and we decided to go to the coliseum. I should mention we that we ran into some more teams. One of them was team BRNZ from Shade academy. The team was made up of three guys and one girl. There names were Brawnz, Roy, Nolan, and May. I know, the last name didn't match up with the team name but I didn't question it. They were all pretty nice but May seemed a little shy. I found it adorable when she stuttered, and a blush showed on her face every now and then. Anyway as we entered the coliseum my nerves started to get racked up. I was getting excited, and I was ready for all the fights I was about to witness.

"Come on guys!" I grabbed Saya by her arm and started to drag her to our seats

Timeskip brought to you by chibi malachite twins cuddling with chibi Y/N

As the final matched ended I boarded a bullhead was waiting impatiently for it to land. I didn't want to be late for my date with the malachite twins. As it finally landed I wasted no time walking towards the exit. My team eventually caught up to me and Kagari grabbed my shoulder,

"Whats with the rush?"

I pulled my team into a little huddle,

"I have a date with the malachite twins. So can you all cover for me if anyone asks for me?"

"I don't know..." Yomi stated unsure

"Please. I need a break especially after what happened with Yang..." I muttered slightly angry

"Alright we'll do it." F/N suddenly appeared

"AH! What the oum man!" I cried putting my hand on my chest, "Where did you come from?!"

"Nowhere." F/N snickered doing little jazz hands

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at my team,


"Fine we'll do it." Saya rolled her eyes at me

"Great well I'll be heading off then!" I smiled starting to walk away

"Wait! Where is your date going to be?" Yomi asked

"The roller skating rink. Talk to you later!" I waved at them as I ran off

I was unaware as certain girls was listening into our conversation.

Neon POV

So she's going to the roller skating rink huh? I might as well take a trip down there.

"Hey girls." I skated over to Penny and Ciel

"Yes? Make it quick since we don't have much time." Ciel spoke looking down at her watch

"You guys wanna head down to the roller skating rink? A certain H/C haired beauty will be there~" I teased as I saw Ciel lightly blush

"W-Well I guess we have time for that." Ciel looked at me smiling

"Yay! Lets go see Y/N!" Penny cheered

Cinder POV

So our little Y/N has gone to the roller skating rink huh? Neo, Emerald, and I all share a little smirk.

"I say we go crash that date. Shall we?"

Both girls nodded and we headed to the roller skating rink

Your POV

I was out of breath as I finally reached the rink. I went inside and looked around for the girls. I spotted both twins at a nearby table. They didn't see me yet and I walked towards them with a smirk on my face. 

"Hey girls." I smiled as they jumped

"Y/N! Don't scare us like that!" Melanie pouted

I chuckled as I sat between the two,

"How was your day?" I asked the two smiling

"Boring. You weren't here with us." Militia frowned snuggling up to me, "How was yours?"

"Not good. I had an argument with Yang..." 

"What was it about?" Melanie asked

"Well after you guys called me she confronted me. She was listening into the last part of our conversation and wanted to know who I was talking to. I told her it was none of her business, but she grabbed my scroll. Then she went through my contacts and saw your numbers on there, and she demanded to know why you were on my phone. Once again I told her it was none of her business and kept trying to get my scroll. Eventually I pushed her to the ground and I was able to get my scroll, but I pissed Yang off. Next time I see her I think I'm going to be in trouble." I sighed running my hand through my hair

"I'm sorry she'll forgive you. Just give her time." Militia smiled, "Anyway, we're going to go get some snacks. You want anything?"

"Nachos!" I cheered

"Okay then." Both girls giggled before kissing my cheeks

I blushed and smiled as they walked away. As I waited I looked around the building, it wasn't too fairly busy. There were couples on the rink and some teens scattered here and there. As I was looking around my eyes landed on a very pretty tiger faunus. She had dark black hair with orange eyes. She seemed to be looking at me as well, and a smirk appeared on her face when she realized I was checking her out. I blushed and looked away. I already had the malachite twins, so I can't be looking at anyone. I didn't notice the woman get up and sit down at my table until she cleared her throat,

"Hey there." The girl sat down across from me

"Hi." I greeted her

"My name is Sienna, what's your's?"


"Cute name for a cute girl."

"T-Thanks." I blushed 

"What's a cute girl like you doing here alone?"

"Well I'm actually with my girlfriends-" I was interrupted by Melanie's voice


"Hm? Oh hey girls." Sienna smiled

"You know each other?" I asked them as they sat down

"Yeah she is a....friend from work." Militia answered

"Anyway what are you two doing here?" Sienna asked

"We're here with our girlfriend." Melanie looped her arm under mine

"I was wondering if she was taken or not." Sienna growled slightly

"I know~She's quite a catch isn't she?~" Militia smirked kissing me on my cheek

"Yeah." Sienna started to glare and her tiger ears started go back

"It would be a shame if we just kept her to ourselves~I think we have room for one more~" Melanie smirked at Sienna 

"Oh really?~" Sienna smirked

My eyes widened slightly, but I decided to stay quiet. Sienna stood up and walked behind me making me get nervous for a few seconds. I felt her wrap her arms around my neck and her *cough* boobs *cough* was on my head,

"What do you say Y/N?~" She purred 

"U-Um.." I blushed as I felt her boobs pressing into my head

"Come on~" Sienna kissed my neck

"O-Okay." I wasn't really thinking-her boobs were seriously distracting me

"Perfect~" The twins smiled

I looked around the room trying to get away from the current situation. My eyes widened as they landed on the entrance and there were 6 very pissed off girls looking in my direction. I gulped as they stormed over. 

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