Chapter 3

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Yang was currently giving me a picky back ride as we walked around Vale. Our teams talked, and we slowly grew closer together. We pretty much shopped the whole time, leaving us hungry. We were discussing what to eat.

"How about pancakes?" Ruby suggested

"Ehh, not in the mood." Blake and I replied

" about crepes?" Weiss suggested  

"Nah, too sweet." Yang sighed

I thought about it for a moment,

"What about noodles?"

Everyone shared a look, and they all nodded,

"Alright lets go get some noodles." Saya started to walk towards a noddle stand 

Everyone quickly followed her ready to start eating. We all quickly ordered and the old man took our money with a frown. I rolled my eyes as I turned away from him. I saw an ice cream stand in the corner of my eye, and I secretly smiled. My sisters nor my teammates would let me have sugar since whenever I consume it, I go on a sugar high. Blake looked at me with an raised eyebrow,

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing." I smiled at her, which caused her to softly blush

She cleared her throat before she went back I quickly started eating as I talked with them. I was the first done, so I waited until they were all too deep in conversation. While they were distracted I walked towards the ice cream stand. I smiled as I approached the counter,

"What would you like?" The guy asked me

"Chocolate with sprinkles in a cone." I smiled as I took out some money

Now you all are probably wondering where I got the money. Well I kind of pick pocketed Yang as she was giving me a piggie back ride. Now I know she's going to find out, but hey, Ruby's done it before and gotten away with it, so why can't I? (Ruby's a great role model..)

"Here you go." They guy gave me my ice cream and I gave him the money

I walked away from the stand, and started to eat my ice cream. I was almost done when I heard Saya scream,


My eyes widened as I looked at her. Both teams were looking at me. Saya and the others looked nervous, while Blake and Weiss looked confused,

"Why does she need to do that?" Weiss asked

"Whenever Y/N consumes sugar she goes on a sugar high. How did you even pay for that?!" Yang looked at me with a glare

I laughed nervously as I finished my ice cream quickly. Her eyes widened in realization,

"I know you did not steal that from me." 

I gulped as she started to walk towards me. I slowly backed away as I felt the sugar starting to effect me.

"You get back here young lady!!" Yang yelled chasing after me with both teams close behind her

I ran away as the sugar gave me more energy than ever. It didn't take long to loose them, and a few minutes later I ran into someone.

"Imsosorry! Ididn'tlookwhereIwasgoing!" I spoke really fast as the woman looked at me

She had black hair with amber eyes. She seemed to be wearing lipstick, along with some violet eye shadow. She was wearing a red dress that ended in an upside down triangle. She had a golden design on the dress starting at her chest, and it went down both her arms. There was a smaller girl with pink and brown hair next to her. She had on a white jacket, brown pants, black gloves, and black and white boots that seemed to be high heels. Her right eye was pink while her left eye was brown. They both looked at me confused,

"Can you slow down?" The one in red asked

"Icantry.Imonasugarhighrightnow! Anywaywhats..your names?" I asked the last part as slow as I could

"Well I'm Cinder, and this is Neo. She's mute, so she can't really talk. What's your name cutie?" Neo waved at me while Cinder leaned closer to me

"Y/N!" I cheered happily, smiling

Both girls had a slight blush on their faces,

"Well Y/N how about-"


Cinder was interrupted by Yang's voice. I turned around and saw team RWBY. My eyes widened and I slowly started to back away. As Yang ran towards me I ran away before I yelled back at Cinder,

"I hope we can hang out some time!"

I saw both girls smile before I took off. A few moments later I ran into someone else. I looked up and noticed that it was Saya, with the rest of my team. Saya slightly glared at me as I tried to get up, only for her to wrap her arms around me, keeping me in place. I struggled as Saya tightened her grip as my sisters turned the corner. I literally began to shake from all the sugar in my system as she held me still. I gulped nervously as Yang walked towards us,

"You are in soo much trouble!"

"Ididntmeantotakeyourmoney.Ijustwantedsomeicecream!" I pleaded looking at her with puppy dog eyes

Yang only narrowed her eyes at me,

"You're grounded."

"You can't ground me!!" I yelled, the extra energy slowly wearing off 

"I'm your older sister, so I can."

"So!?" I growled, "Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you're in charge of me!"

Yang rolled her eyes and ignored me as she picked me up.

"THIS IS BULL-" I shut my mouth before I finished my sentence 

Yang looked down at me in her arms,

"I dare you to finish that sentence."

I gulped as we started to walk back to Beacon. I tried to wiggle out of her arms, but they were deadlocked. As we neared our dorms, Yang didn't let me go which confused me. She noticed this and started to explain,

"While you're grounded, you will be staying in our dorm."

My eyes widened, and I hang onto Saya's waist,

"No! Don't let her take me Saya!" 

"Sorry Y/N. You need to learn your lesson." Saya tried to pry her arms from my waist, only for me to hug her tighter

"No! The ice queen will murder me in my sleep!"

"Hey!" Weiss balled her hands into fists

Saya eventually pried my arms off of her as Yang dragged me back into their dorm. I grabbed the doorway for one more escape attempt, but it was futile. With one tug from Yang she pulled me into the dorm and closed the door. 

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