Chapter 11

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A month later


The Vytal tournament was finally here. Vale was busy with all kinds of tourists. I was currently walking around with my team looking at all the stands before we head up to the coliseum. As we walked through the crowd I spotted a familiar black haired male,

"Uncle Qrow!" I yelled at him

Even though he isn't my real uncle, he acts like family to me so I call him that. He is one of the only ones that know that I'm adopted, and knows that I know. He turned around and his award winning smirk formed on his face. I ran to him and hugged him,

"Hey kid."

I smiled at him,

"What are you doing here?!"

"I was thinking about coming to watch your sisters battle. Give them a little surprise."   

"Really? It'd be a shame if I went and told them.." I smirked mischievously 

"Don't you dare..." Qrow glared

"Or what?"

Qrow's smirk grew wider as he began to tickle me. I started laughing and I tried to defend myself,

"Okay! I won't tell them!"

Qrow chuckled and stopped tickling me. He looked around and I could tell he was looking for something,

"Whatcha looking for?" I asked curious

"You know a stand that has alcohol or at least some whiskey?" 

"Well since there are a bunch of students around here I'm sure they don't have any alcohol. Although there is one bar I can send you to. Tell them you know me and they'll give you some free drinks."

"Really kid? What did you do?"


Flashback one week ago

I was walking in downtown Vale when I suddenly heard shouting. I walked towards the sound of the shouting and noticed it was coming from a bar. I quietly walked into the bar and noticed a group of men, around 6 or 7 of them trying to rob this bar. I could feel Black rock shooter slowly coming to the surface. I let her take over without a fight. I summoned my black rock sword and walked behind one of the men. I placed my sword on his neck with a crazed smirk,

"You know its not very nice holding someone at gunpoint."

"What the-" I interrupted the man by grabbing him and throwing him into two others

"GET HER!" One of them said

The other four charged at me weapons drawn. I smiled as I charged towards them. I slashed the first guy in the chest sending him to the floor. I stabbed the second one in both legs, before dodging a punch from the third guy. I elbowed the third guy's nose, making it bleed profusely. He clutched his nose, and I grabbed his arm before flipping him over, smashing his body against the ground. I swiftly turned back around as the three from earlier got back up. I sighed in annoyance as they got closer. Suddenly some of them started to shoot at me, and I quickly deflected the bullets. One guy was hit in the shoulder and knee, sending him to the ground. Another was guy was hit multiple time in his legs, making him fall flat on his face. Now there was only two of them left. I smirked as they were pretty close together meaning I could take both of them down in one slash. As they got closer I slashed at both their chests, sending them to the ground at my feet. I felt myself slowly raising my sword, and I was about the stab them in the head before I quickly took over. I made my sword disappear as people slowly came out. They began to cheer as they looked at me and the men. They began to congratulate me until the owner made his was over to me.

He had short black hair, grey eyes, with a black beard and mustache. He was wearing a black vest over a white dress shirt, a red tie, black gloves, and black dress pants. Upon a closer look I realized this was Junior, a man Yang told me about. I was slightly confused as he seemed to have no henchmen in sight. As he approached me I noticed a pair of twins behind him. The only thing different was their clothing. One was wearing a red and black strapless dress while the other one was wearing a white strapless dress. As they approached me I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, 

"I thank you for essentially saving my bar. I'm Junior, and this is Melanie and Militia. And you are?..."

"I'm Y/N. One of my sister shas told me plenty about you Junior."

"Oh? Who are your sisters?"

"Yang Xiao Long." Junior's eyes widen, "But don't worry I'm nothing like her. My other sister is Ruby Rose, although you probably don't know her as well as Yang."

Junior nodded, more relaxed,

"Well I hope you stick around for a bit. I can give you a few drinks on the house."

I nodded,

"I'll stick around but I'll just have some water."

Junior nodded and headed towards the bar as I sat in a bar stool. The twins from earlier sat on either side of me, with Melanie on my left and Militia on my right. I gave them a smile as Junior gave me a glass of water. 

"So you're the sister of Yang and Ruby?" Melanie looked at me with an eyebrow raised

"Yeah, well I'm adopted. Neither of them know, so they really think we're family." I smiled sadly

"Oh. Well I'm guessing you go to Beacon then." Militia smiled at me

"Yeah. Anyway you guys work with Junior?"

"Yeah we mainly provide entertainment, but occasionally we have to fight people, like your sister Yang." Melanie chuckled

"Oh? What are your weapons if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well I use claws." Militia answered 

"And I use knives in my heels." Melanie smirked

"Oh god, remind me to not fight you both. Especially Melanie. I don't think I want to fight a girl with armed heels." I laughed smiling at both of them

"Oh I don't think you need to worry about that~" Melanie smiled, both twins scooting closer to me

"Hey Y/N we were wondering if you had-"

They were interrupted by my scroll going off. I mentally cursed as I had gotten a message from Yang,

'Where are you? You better come back before I go looking for you!'

I sighed before looking at the twins,

"Sorry it looks like I've got to go."

I stood up only to have both twins grab my arms,

"I'm sure you can stay for a few more minutes." Militia smile disappeared from her face as she spoke

"Unless you want Yang to come down here, fists a blazing then..." Both twins looked unfazed as I tried to leave again.

"So? We beat her once and we can beat her again." Melanie stated proudly

"I still think it would be better if I go. I promise I'll come back and see you guys preform one night." I stated

Both girls let my arms go, but before I could walk away they both kissed my cheeks causing me to blush. Militia slipped something into one of my pockets,

"Call us later."

They both walked back to the bar before I ran out of the bar with a red face. I made it to Beacon and my teams dorm a few minutes later. Before I could even get in the door swung open with a mad Yang, only to have her eyes turn red a minute later,'


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