Chapter 2

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I kept running until I saw Saya and the others. Saya saw me running and looked at me confused until she looked behind me. Her gaze lowered to a glare as I jumped behind her, koala hugging her back. I heard Yang and the others not soon after and I was a little nervous of the outcome. My teammates stood in front of me, getting into a protective stance.

"Y/N." Yang whispered as she looked at me

Yang POV

My eyes widened as Y/N started to run away. I called out to her as I ran after her. She didn't stop, and I felt a little guilty. Ever since Ruby and I headed to Beacon we haven't really been in touch with Y/N. The last time we spent with her was when she summoned her weapons, which was about a year ago.


Ruby and I were sitting against a tree bored. Suddenly our younger sister Y/N came running up to us,

"Yang! Ruby!"

"What is it?" I asked curious

"Check this out!" Y/N cheered as she summoned a sword out of nowhere

"How did you do that?!" Ruby and I sat there in shock

"I don't know! I guess I just summoned it. I call it the black blade!"

She swung it around and I stood up, grabbing the blade from her.

"Careful! You may cut yourself!"

Y/N pouted before her weapon disappeared from my hands. 

"Come on Yang I wasn't going to cut myself!"

"Its a sword! It has a sharp edge! One wrong toss and you could cut your arm open!"

Y/N pouted and rolled her eyes.

"Are you rolling your eyes at me young lady?" I asked sitting up

"No.." Y/N pouted before she smiled, "I have one more thing to show you!!"

"Go ahead and show us!" Ruby exclaimed excited

Y/N's smile grew wider before she summoned something else. She smiled as it finally took shape. It resembled a cannon, and my eyes widened.

"Look how it fires!" Y/N exclaimed excited as she aimed it towards  a tree

Y/N charged it up before she pressed the trigger, and a orb of F/C struck the tree. The orb struck the tree, completely obliterating the center.

"THAT IS SO COOL!!" Ruby cheered running up to her

Ruby started to look all around the weapon, inspecting it. Meanwhile I walked over with a small frown,

"I'm okay with a sword, but a cannon? Absolutely not!"

Y/N gave me the puppy dog eyes and I could feel my front breaking. 

"But aren't you proud of me?" Y/N stuck her lip out, basically guilt tripping me.

I sighed before hugging her,

"Of course I'm proud of you! I just don't want you to get hurt. Anyway what's the name of the weapon?"

Y/N's smile returned and she looked up at me happily,

"I call it the black rock cannon!"

"Why is everything related to rocks?" Ruby asked confused

"I don't know. It just seemed to fit."


I ran up to one of Y/N's teammates, whom were separating me from her. Y/N was hugging her like a koala, and I was a little jealous. She never did that with me. 

"Y/N." I whispered walking closer

Y/N hugged the girl tighter. I heard the footsteps of the rest of my teammates behind me, and they soon came to a halt. Y/N's other teammates got in front of her defensively,

"Yang you know this girl?" Blake asked

"Of course she does! She's our younger sister!" Ruby exclaimed walking beside me 

"Sister!?" Blake and Weiss yelled shocked. 

I walked closer to her, and the teammate Y/N was hugging glared at me. 

Your POV

Saya glared at Yang as she moved closer,

"Look all I want to do is talk to my little sister." 

"If you promise to not send me back!" I yelled as Yang rolled her eyes

"I promise."

I smiled and got off of Saya's back and walked towards her. Yang held her arms out inviting me to a hug. I ran and hugged her as she tightly embraced me. Ruby jumped in and joined our hug. We separated a few minutes later, before Yang held me by my arms,

"When did you come to Beacon!?"

"Well I came a few weeks after you two." I laughed nervously 

"WHAT!?" Both of my sisters yelled

"Yeah, I had my hood up, so you couldn't recognize me. I was slightly afraid that you would send me back since you're both kinda...overprotective."

"We're not overprotective! We just worry for you!" Ruby defended herself

"I know, but I'm only a year younger than you Rubes. I can take care of myself."

"Sure you can." Yang said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"I can!"

"Mhm. Says the one that cut herself with her own sword." Saya butted in looking at me

Yang and Ruby looked at me with wide eyes,


"Well I was practicing some moves when I got distracted and..cut myself." I scratched the back of my head nervously 

"Now you understand why I was worried when you were younger." Yang scowled putting her hands on her hips

I rolled my eyes before changing the subject,

"Anyway whose your other teammate? Since I already know you two and the fabulous ice queen." I snickered looking at Weiss as she glared at me.

"Well this is Blake, and she's a cat faunus! Hint her ears." Ruby gestured to Blake

I smiled before walking up to her, and holding out my hand.

"Well I'm Y/N and its nice to meet you Blake."

A light blush came across her face before she slowly shook my hand,

"Well its a pleasure to meet you." Blake removed her hand from mine and I turned my attention back to Yang,

"Do you guys want to go do something?" I asked looking between them and my teammates

"Sure. We weren't doing anything anyway." Yomi shrugged 

"Count us in." Ruby spoke, speaking for her team

Weiss looked annoyed while Blake had a neutral expression. I smirked as I caught Blake checking me out. Her eyes met with mine and her face lit up with a blush. I smiled and winked at her, and she covered her face with her hands. I chuckled at her shyness as Yang threw her arm around my neck,

"What are we waiting for? To Vale!!" Ruby cheered as Yang dragged me after her with our teammates close behind us. 

RWBY Harem x Fem! Black Rock ShooterWhere stories live. Discover now