Chapter 29

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I separated from the kiss panting for air,

"G-Girls lets talk about this.." I gasped looking at them

"No. You're not getting out of this." Raven glared at me walking towards me 

"Girls I can't do all of you at once! I won't be able to walk for like two months!" I argued sitting up 

"So? Don't worry we'll take care of you until you can walk again!" Neon giggled as she skated over to me

"Please don't do about I do a number of you today then do the rest tomorrow!" I suggested nervously, but I got no response. 

Blake quickly pounced on me kissing me ferociously. My eyes widened in shock as I fell back onto the bed. That didn't stop Blake as she quickly began to undress me with the help of Neon. Neon began to kiss my neck as Blake pulled away,

"Girls please-" I tried to beg, only for Raven to cover my mouth,

"That's enough talking." 

I whimpered, only to gasp as I felt someone kissing my stomach. I looked down and my eyes widened as I locked eyes with Yang. She kissed up to my neck before lightly biting down on my ear,

"I don't care that we're family-I love you." Yang whispered lustfully before bringing her knee up to my clothed crotch

I blushed as I realized I was only in my F/C panties and bra. Coco smirked as she kissed my chest before removing my bra. I blushed and covered my chest as the girls stared. Although my arms were pinned above my head, and I looked behind me to see a smirking Cinder,

"Don't hide yourself~ You're beautiful~" She smiled as she kissed my forehead

My chest didn't stay unoccupied for long as Nebula and Ciel quickly latched onto my nipples. I whimpered and squirmed as their tongues twirl around my now hardened nipples. I arched my back and moaned as I felt someone touch my clothed core. I looked down with half lidded eyes as I make eye contact with the older Schnee. I blushed as she smirked, removing my panties. I tried to cross my legs, but Weiss held them open for Winter. Winter smirked grew wider as she saw me squirm as she teasingly rubbed her fingers around my core. Cinder kept a tight grip on my wrists as I arched my back and let out a low moan as Winter licked a broad stripe on my core. 

"W-Winter please!" I moaned as she lifted her head

"Please what?~" Winter teased

"F-fuck me..." I muttered looking away

"What was that?~" Winter asked, teasing me as she trailed a finger up my wet core

"F-Fuck me!" I said louder

"Your wish is my command~" She chuckled before she quickly shoved a finger into me

Ciel and Nebula let go of my nipples with a 'pop!'. They began to kiss opposite sides of my neck, leaving hickies. Ruby and Yang were quick to take their place, latching onto my sore nipples. I looked up at Cinder who was watching Winter with envy. She looked down at me as she eyed my lips. Cinder smashed our lips together, as she licked my bottom lip demanding entrance. I opened my mouth and immediately her tongue entered my mouth. We fought for dominance, but Cinder easily won. She quickly explored her new territory as her tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I moaned into her mouth as I felt Winter add another finger into my soaking core. I separated from the kiss panting, with a thin trail of saliva connecting our lips. 

I bit my lip trying to hold in my moans as I felt a know in my stomach. Yang must've noticed as she started to suck harder on my nipple, and her hand slowly moved towards my stomach. I could feel her smirk as she felt how tight I was and she slowly began to massage my stomach. I whined trying to pull her away, but Cinder sensed this and held my hands tighter. Yang ignored my struggling, and watched me with loving eyes. Ruby must've felt left out as she attacked my lips rather hungrily. My lips were already open due to me moaning as her tongue slipped in rather easily. As Ruby was kissing me I started to feel the knot in my stomach beginning to unwind. I tried to pull away and warn Winter, but Ruby put a hand on the back of my neck keeping me in place. All I could do was let out a loud moan into Ruby's mouth as my knot was released. I could feel Winter lapping up all of my juices, not letting any go to waste. I panted as Ruby finally pulled away, leaving a thin strand of saliva connecting our lips. Winter sat up as I saw a clear liquid on her lips. She smirked before she licked her lips,

"So divine~" She smiled lustfully

Once she moved away Coco went to steal her spot,

"Alright my turn!" She smirked

"Absolutely not!" Weiss glared as she pushed her away, "Its my turn!" 

"Yeah right! Its my turn!" Cinder joined the argument

"Sure fire queen." Yang glared at her

Cinder glared back as all the girls eventually got into an argument. Meanwhile my naked form was still on the bed as I panted heavily, trying to come back from my climax. I eventually got myself together as the girls were STILL arguing about whose turn it was. I grabbed my F/C panties and bra before slipping them on. Next was my pants and shirt which were on the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes before going around the girls, trying to not gain their attention. It was a success as I grabbed both items before quickly slipping them on. My jacket was by the door and I slipped it on before opening the door silently. As I opened it halfway I went to step out when I felt someone grab the back of my jacket. I was thrown back into the room and onto the bed. Neo pinned me to the bed as she jumped on my waist,

'You're not going anywhere.' She mouthed as the girls closed the door

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