Chapter 28

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Melanie POV

I woke up to Militia shaking me. I let out a groan before she helped me up,

"Come on! We need to go find Y/N!" 

I was still a little sore from fighting Y/N's mother, so I stumbled a bit. Militia helped steady me before I was able to walk by myself. I got suspicious when I realized all the warriors are gone. We both shared a worried look, and we ran off to find Y/N. A few minutes later we had found some signs of a major battle, so we followed the bodies and damage to its source. I could tell there was two bodies, and I quickly ran towards them. I recognized the first body to be Y/N's mother, and I quickly glared down at her with disgust. I approached the second body, and I suddenly got a sick feeling to my stomach. My eyes widened as I recognized Y/N's H/L H/C hair. Militia was suddenly beside me as I kneeled down beside the body. I gasped as I flipped her over, immediately recognized the body to be Y/N. She was still breathing, but just barely. I looked down at her stomach where she had a large wound, and there was blood still coming out of it. I mentally cursed as I ripped part of my dress, and put it around her wound, adding pressure.

"Come on Y/N stay with us." Militia whispered as she helped me put pressure on the wound.

The white part of my dress was red, as the blood leaked through the makeshift bandage. Suddenly Raven was beside me, along with several medics. I stepped back as the medics took over. Raven was watching them like a hawk, sending them a cold glare. Eventually an air bus came, and the medics quickly hoisted Y/N in. One of the medics turned to us,

"Are you coming or not?"

All three of us quickly nodded, and hopped into the air bus.


Voices. That's all I heard. After I went unconscious, well I thought I was unconscious, but I seem almost like I'm in a coma. I can hear voices all around me, some female, some male.

"Put her in room 214, and alert her girlfriends." A male voice spoke

Wait. Was he talking about me? Melanie and Militia are okay! Suddenly I felt whatever I was on moving. I felt pain in my stomach as I stopped moving. It was silent for a few moments before I heard more voices,

"You can see her now." I heard a muffled voice

I heard a door open, along with multiple footsteps before the door shut closed. I felt hands intertwined with mine as the person gently squeezed,

"Hey Y/N. I don't know if you can hear me," I recognized Velvet's voice, "B-but we love you, and we want you to come back to us. I-I.." Velvet broke down in tears, and I heard someone move to comfort her.

The hand disappeared from my touch as I heard footsteps walk away, along with the door opening and closing. I could still tell there were people in the room, and I could feel them staring at me. Eventually someone sat next to me, presumably where Velvet sat. A cold hand enveloped mine, and I assumed it was one of the ice queens. They didn't say anything, but I could feel them scanning my body, most likely looking at my injuries. I felt her run her hand through my hair, and I shifted a little in my sleep. A gasp left someones lips as I tried to wake up. I heard the door open before someone said something. I heard a pair of footsteps return, and I assumed it was Velvet and the person that comforted her. I tried to open my eyes as I slowly moved my arms. Eventually I opened my eyes, only to be met with a bright light. When my eyes finally adjusted I noticed 31 pair of eyes staring at me. I jumped slightly, a little spooked at that many people staring at me. Although I didn't recognize the cat faunus, and the other girl in the room. Neo quickly hugged me making the rest of the girls jealous. I hissed in pain as I felt her press against my stomach. She showed a face of worry until her eyes widened and she quickly let go of me. Some of the girls left, going to get a nurse,

"Thank oum you're finally awake." Yang stated sitting at the edge of my bed enveloping her hand in mine

"How long was I out for?" I asked trying to get up

"Two weeks, and you need to sit back down." The unknown cat faunus came up to me and put her hand on my chest, pushing me back down. 

"Wait who are you?" I asked her

"I'm Kali, Blake's mom. The other girl is Ilia, and she is also a faunus." Ilia shifted a little seeming a bit nervous

"What kind of faunus are you Ilia? If you don't mind me asking..." I asked, looking at her

"I'm a chameleon faunus.." Ilia blushed, a little shy

"Heh. Cool." I smiled and my head turned to the door as Coco and Octavia came back with a nurse

"Alright miss L/N. I'm going to have to check you to see how your injuries are doing as well and see if there was any head trauma. 

I nodded my head, and the girls moved to allow her room

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N getting smothered by her chibi harem

After the doctor deemed that I was fine I was able to leave the hospital. The girls clung to my arms as we walked to the hospital. 

"Girls don't you think you could let go of my arms?" 

I only got cold glares in return. I sighed as we made our way back to Beacon. I started to walk back to my dorm, only for the girls to drag me in another direction,

"You're not going back to your dorm tonight~" Coco smirked

"What? Wait where are you taking me!?"

"A dorm that's big enough for all of us." Glynda stated nonchalantly

Next thing I know, I'm thrown on an enormous bed. I start to get nervous as the girls were looking at me with lustful faces,

"N-Now girls I'm sure we can-" I was cut off by Yang's lips colliding with mine 

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