Chapter 15

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I got more and more nervous as the girls got closer. The twins and Sienna noticed this,

"Y/N are you alright?" Militia asked

When I didn't answer they looked in the direction where I was looking. As their eyes landed on the girls they started to glare. Once Neon and the girls were right at our table the twins confronted them,

"Can we help you?" They asked coldly

"You can't but Y/N can." Ciel grabbed my arm making me stand

"I suggest getting your filthy hands off OUR girlfriend." Sienna growled standing up

"And if we don't?" Cinder asked glaring

"I'll kill you." Melanie stood up

"You can try." Emerald chuckled 

"Girls please calm down!" I begged trying to separate Sienna and Neon 

I eventually got them to separate and the twins looked at me,

"Who are they Y/N?"

"Well this is Ciel, Penny, Neon, Emerald, Cinder, and Neo. I met them during the tournament." I laughed nervously 

"Well tell your friends that they need to leave." Melanie growled

"Were not leaving honey." Neon snickered

"I'll rip that little-" 

I interrupted Militia before she continued,

"Girls please get along. It's better than having Ruby and Yang here. So please get along, and plus some of you have to fight tomorrow!" I pointed out to the girls

It went silent for a few moments until Penny spoke up,

"Yang and Ruby has been alerted to your location."

"What?" I snapped my head in her direction 

"I alerted your sisters so they can have fun too!" Penny smiled

My face paled,

"I-I'm going to the restroom."

I ran towards the restrooms and I opened the door. 

"Oh oum..." I started to slightly panic as I looked at myself in the mirror 

I didn't want to face Yang, especially after what happened earlier. I sighed and splashed water on my face trying to calm me down. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, but I pushed that thought out of my mind. Eventually I calmed myself down. As I opened the restroom's door the sound of fighting met my ears. My eyes widened and I ran where our table was. As I neared the rink I noticed tables were turned and people running for the exit. I looked towards the rink and I saw Yang in the center. I could tell she was using her semblance, as her eyes were a bright red. My eyes widened as I realized she was standing a few feet away from Militia who was struggling to get up. Yang started to walk towards her and I noticed that she was going to punch her again. I ran forward and pushed Militia out of the way right as Yang was going to punch her. Although I didn't make it clear as Yang's fist connected with my stomach.

Yang POV

A few minutes before you came out of the bathroom...

I barged through the doors with the rest of the team behind me. I made eye contact with the malachite twins and I stormed over to them. I noticed that 6 other people were crowding around them. I recognized 3 of them to be atlas students while the other three seemed to be those Haven transfer students. I saw a tiger faunus sitting with the twins and she glared at me as I made my way over to them. 

"Where is she?!" I growled standing over Melanie

"Who are you talking about? There are a lot of 'shes' in this room." Melanie smirked

I growled and yanked her up by the arm,

"You know who I'm talking about!"

"Hey! Don't hurt my sister!" Militia pushed me making me release Melanie

"And don't hurt my sister!" Ruby yelled getting in her face

"Get out of my face little red riding hood!" Militia growled pushing Ruby into Weiss

"HEY!" I stood up, pissed that she pushed Ruby

I punched Militia and she landed in the center of the rink. People began to head to the exit not wanting to stick around. Melanie charged at me and tried to kick me, but I grabbed her by the leg and threw her into some tables. The tiger faunus growled and went to attack me when the faunus from atlas started blocked her. I activated my semblance as I walked towards Militia who was struggling to stand. I went to punch her and I hit her making her fly backwards. I looked to the side and I noticed Militia was there on the ground. My eyes widened-I was sure I hit her! I noticed her eyes were wide as she looked to where I sent someone flying. I looked over as the dust settled my eyes widened as they settled on a familiar figure,

"Y/N..." I muttered with wide eyes as tears brimmed my eyes

Your POV

As Yang's fist connected with my stomach, pain radiated from my stomach. The punch sent me flying into some tables. My back collided with the tables making me grit my teeth in pain. I groaned in pain as the dust settled. 

"Y/N!!" Militia yelled running over to me

I groaned in pain as she knelt next to me. I noticed that everyone was looking at me as Melanie and Sienna ran over to me. Melanie tried to get me to sit up but I hissed in pain, and she laid me back down. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and looked at me for permission. I nodded and she lifted my shirt. I noticed their eyes widen and I looked down at my stomach. My own eyes widened as I saw a fist imprint on my stomach. I looked over at Yang with fear in my eyes,

"Y/N I-I..." Yang looked at me with worry and sadness in her eyes

"Can you grab my scroll and contact my team please?" I whispered to Militia

She nodded and grabbed my scroll from my pocket. I could tell she was messaging them and she put my scroll back in my pocket.

"Alright they said their on the way." 

I nodded and the girls helped me stand. Sienna slung my arm over her shoulder and helped me walk. I held my other arm protectively over my stomach as we passed by Yang. I didn't
look nor sya anything at the others as we passed them.

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