Chapter 27

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Hello readers! School just started back for me, so it will take longer for me to update!


Your POV

I woke up with a terrible headache. I slowly looked up at my surroundings to see Beacon, along with students fighting some warriors. I noticed that Raven and Amber were gone, so they must've woke up. I slowly stood only to hear a voice scream over the battles,


My eyes widened as I recognized it to be my mother's. I quickly made my way towards her voice, and hid behind a building. I watched as my mother and Salem battled. I surveyed my surroundings, only to see the malachite twins unconscious. I ran over to them, checking for a pulse. I let out a breath of relief when I felt one. Although that quickly changed as anger flowed through my veins. My mother did this to my own girlfriends, she knew that too. Black Rock Shooter told her everything from regular life to relationships. I'm going to kill her. As I looked back up my mother suddenly kicked Salem in the stomach. I expected for Salem to get back up, but she didn't. At a closer look, Salem seemed exhausted. My mother smirked as she walked towards her, her sword ready. Although she suddenly stopped which made me confused. She turned around, and I followed her gaze to see Damian. His bangs were over his face, so I couldn't see his expression,

"Go ahead Damian," My mother smiled holding out her sword to him, "I know you want revenge." 

Damian walked towards her before grabbing the sword. My mother stepped out of the way, and Damian raised the sword. Suddenly he was tackled, and I recognized the person to be Tyrian,

"ROUND TWO YOU ANGEL BASTARD!" Tyrian screamed as the sword disappeared 

My mother growled, her focus now on Tyrian. She summoned another sword, but I swiftly kick her in the side, sending her flying into a wall. Not even a few seconds later, she busted out of the rubble. Her eyes narrowed as she saw me,


"Yeah its me mom. Black Rock Shooter is gone, and you're next." My right eye was immediately engulfed in a F/C flame as I summoned my black rock sword

My mother growled before she charged at me, forgetting about the unconscious malachite twins along with the injured Salem. Our swords clashed, and we both glared at each other before pushing each other back. That didn't last long as I went on the offensive. I laid down a furry of strikes against my mother, being able to make her go on the defensive. She was able to block some of my blows, and I started to notice that she was walking backwards. I continued as we moved to a more open space. I could see out of the corner of my eye Beacon students fighting my mother's warriors. Suddenly my mother tripped me, making me fall on my back. I blocked her sword just in time before it hit my throat. She growled and began to add more pressure,

"You know, you always were more like your father." She glared down at me

My hand began to shake from the pressure she was adding. I grit my teeth as her sword got closer and closer to my neck. Suddenly she was hit in the side by a hammer, making her fly into a nearby car. 

"STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!" I looked up to see Nora glaring at my mother

"How dare you! You insolent brat!" My mother screamed back, standing up

Nora growled and stepped in front of me, readying her hammer. My mother glared at her, and summoned another sword. She charged at Nora, and Nora blocked her attack with her hammer. They glared at each other before Nora pushed her back, it being followed through by a strike. My mother didn't have any time to block the strike, so Nora's hammer hit her right in the side. Before Nora could go for another strike, two warriors blocked her path. Nora growled, narrowing her eyes at them before disposing of them. Although she didn't see my mother charging at her. My eyes widened before I quickly got up, and blocked my mother's sword with my own. 

"Nora get out of here!" I yelled at her as I kicked my mother away


"Go!" I turned around and looked at her, "I'll be fine." I smiled before I kissed her forehead

I turned back around and focused on my mother. After a few seconds I heard Nora's footsteps getting further and further away. I glared at her as my F/C flame grew brighter around my right eye,

"You dare attack one of my friends!" I screamed at her, my power surging, "You even tried to kill shall pay..with your life. Nobody will miss you anyway." 

Suddenly another flame of F/C erupted around my left eye. My mother's eyes widened,

"Thats impossible..."  I smirked as her eyes filled with fear

I didn't let her say anything else, and charged towards her. She barely blocked my hit, the force still knocking her back. I quickly followed it up with more strikes, and this time she wasn't able to block them. I was too fast for her, and all of my strikes hit her. I stopped and watched her sway for a little bit before she fell to the ground. My eyes widened and my flames dissipated as I rush to catch her. I know she was evil, and she caused all of this but she was still my mother.  I caught her in my arms, and carefully placed her on the ground. Her breathes were coming in wheezes, and blood was flowing out of her mouth. She smiled at me before shakily placing her hand on my cheek,

"Y-You r-really are j-just like him." She wheezed out, "A-And I-I'm s-sorry for t-this."

"For what?" I asked confused


She suddenly jumped up with the rest of her strength, and I felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down at my stomach as I felt liquid come out of my mouth. My eyes finally landed on my mother's sword, which was in my stomach. My mother pulled out her sword before she fell back on the ground, dead. I tried to place pressure on my wound as I stood. My vision was blurry, and my legs felt like jello as I tried to walk. I didn't make it very far before I collapsed to the ground. 

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