Chapter 25

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Your POV

I stepped back through the portal to Vale, ready to defeat this 'maiden'. With my newfound strength my mother told me it would be easy, and that there was no way that she could beat me. The warriors were waiting patiently as I exited the portal. Damian was off to the side, also waiting for the order. I gave a signal to Damian, and he began to charge the warriors into battle. I smirked as they marched towards Beacon. All their allies were within the Academy, and now they're cornered. We were within a 20 feet of the gate when the huntress' and huntsmen came running out. I smirked as two of them charged me, but I simply punched them aside and let the warriors deal with them. I started to head towards Yang, when the spring maiden jumped in between us,

"Finally, the maiden reveals herself." I smirked summoning my black rock sword

"Silence Black Rock Shooter. I don't want anything else coming from your mouth." She stated coldly

"Finally! Someone recognizes that Y/N is gone." I chuckled darkly

"I will avenge her." The maiden stated unsheathing her sword

I laughed darkly, "You can try."

I was about to attack her when another girl landed by her side. She had straight brown hair with light brown eyes. She had a beauty mark under her left eye. She was wearing a white blouse with a brown vest along with corset, and pants. She had a gold bracer on her left arm along with two gold bracelets on her right arm. She had a golden pauldron on her right shoulder with a pair of golden boots. The maiden turned to her,

"I'm glad you could join us Amber."

Amber only nodded, glaring at me. I could sense the power radiating from both girls,

"I'm honored to have two maidens here to fight me," I said with sarcasm, "Let me guess, Amber is the fall maiden, and you, Raven are the spring maiden."

Amber glared at me before readying her staff.

"Ah yes no more talking, lets fight." I felt me right eye glow before I charged at them

Raven met me head on, but I was able to block her blade. We pushed both of us away before charging towards each other again. Raven started with a fury of blows, all of them I either blocked or dodged. I could tell she was shocked as I kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying, but she used her feet to come to a stop. She landed next to Amber, holding her stomach,

"Come on girls! I know you have more potential than that!" I teased them smirking

Amber growled before she began to shoot fire balls. I dodged them, but I didn't notice that Raven was charging at me, with her weapon powered up by electricity. As I dodged the last fireball, I felt a punch to my stomach. I gasped before I looked at the culprit, which was Raven. She went to swing her sword down when I summoned my black rock cannon and fired her away. That's when Amber decided to charge. Now I didn't know much about the fall maiden's powers so I need to be careful for now. I summoned my black rock sword as she barreled towards me, staff in hand. Suddenly the wind picked up, and I had to try and keep myself steady. I suddenly felt coldness on my feet, and looked down. My eyes widen slightly as I see that ice surrounded my feet, and was now at my knees. I growled and tried to get free, but nothing worked. My eyes widened even more as I saw Raven barreling towards me at an alarming speed. I tried my best to block her, but it was no use. She slashed at my chest, and sent me backwards. I used my feet to stop me before looking down. My shirt had been torn, now showing my F/C bra, there was also blood, but not a lot since she didn't cut too deep surprisingly. I chuckled before I ripped off my shirt and tossed it aside. It would've only gotten in my way if I left it on. I smirked as I looked back at Amber and Raven,

"Well we got ourselves some pervs huh?"

Both girls blushed,

"I-I didn't mean t-to-" Raven stuttered has her eyes traveled to my abs

I smirked as I decided to take advantage of the situation. Suddenly I heard Damian call out,


I turned around to see all types of grimm charging towards us. Warriors charged towards them, holding them off. I growled in annoyance before turning back to Raven and Amber. Both of them looked ready to go at me, but I suddenly felt a pain in my neck. My sword disappeared as one of my hands went to my neck. I felt something in my neck, and I pulled it out. It seemed to be some kind of dart, as I tried to take a closer look my vision went blurry. My knees buckled as I felt a pain in my stomach. I collapsed a few moments later, both maidens looking at me worriedly. My eyes widened as I finally realized what was in the dart. Y/N you son of a bitch! I arched my back in pain as I felt my organs shutting down. I grit my teeth in pain, trying to keep in my screams. The pain became too much when I felt extreme pain around my spine. I screamed as I saw the black liquid in my veins, quickly traveling through my system. My body began shaking uncontrollably as pain began to erupt all over my body. My breaths came out as wheezes as my back finally touched the ground again. My vision started to get clouded with dark spots as I saw the two maidens run over to me. I growled as I felt Y/N starting to take over. I was too weak to stop her, so I let her take over. Damn you, I said to her before she fully took over.

Raven POV

Amber and I ran over to Y/N as she fell silent. When we finally reached her she wasn't moving and her breaths were in wheezes.

"Y/N?" I asked placing my hand on her shoudler

My eyes widened as I realized she was cold, and there was less color in her face,

"H-Hey R-Raven." She wheezed out

I sighed in relief as I recognized Y/N's voice. That quickly changed as I saw black liquid come from her mouth,

"Y-Y/N whats going on?" I held her in my arms as Amber kneeled next to me

"I-It was the o-only way to s-stop B-Black R-Rock S-Shooter."

"What was!?" I demanded

She went to speak when she went limp, but she was still breathing. Suddenly a bright light appeared, and the next thing I know I'm not in Vale anymore.

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