Chapter 4

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Someone help me. I found this picture of Neo, and now I'm scared^


I crossed my arms as Yang sat me on her bed. I refused to look at her as she spoke,


I glared and turned my back to her,

"Y/N don't ignore me."

I rolled my eyes and I turned my attention to Blake. I smiled at her which caused her to blush. Yang suddenly grabbed my wrist,

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Fine." I muttered angrily 

"Now I'm going to repeat what I said. You will be staying with us until the end of this week. You will be sleeping with me in my bed." Yang stated looking at me

"Why can't I sleep with someone else?"

"Because..." Yang tried to come up with a reason, and it took her a few minutes, "You're my younger sister!"

"But so is Ruby.." Blake added 

"Well you're sleeping with me, end of discussion." Yang turned around starting to get into her pj's

"You know I don't have my stuff right?" I asked looking at her

"I picked some up earlier." Yang picked up one of her t-shirts

"When did you have time to do that?!"

"Thats for me to know, and for you to never find out." She stated

Ok that's a little creepy even for me. Yang threw a pair of pj's at me, and I rolled my eyes before I started to put them on.

 Yang threw a pair of pj's at me, and I rolled my eyes before I started to put them on

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(Your amazing pj's)

As I took my shirt off I notice that all the girls were blushing. They were obviously checking me out..even my own sisters. I cleared my throat and the girls quickly shook out of their gaze,

"Can you all turn around since you can't seem to resist my body?~" I teased with a smirk 

The girls blushed before they quickly turned away. I quickly got dressed, and I let them know that it was okay to turn back around. They tried to calm down their blushes and a few moments later they were gone.

"Shall we get to bed? Its getting late." Weiss spoke through the awkward silence 

"Yeah lets head to bed. Come on Y/N!" Yang grabbed my arm before hopping onto her bed, dragging me down with her. 

I landed on the bed with a 'THUD' as Yang pulled me closer to her. I blushed as I felt her boobs poke my back. Now I know she is my older sister well not technically but, who wouldn't be blushing with her melons pressed up against their back? It only took a few moments for everyone to fall asleep..well..that's what I thought. I closed my eyes trying to sleep and I heard someone get up a few minutes later. I started to panic a little as they walked towards Yang and I. I could feel their gaze on me, and I started to get creeped out. I slowly peeked my eyes open enough to see Blake looking down at me. I quickly shut my eyes as she leaned down and picked me up bridal style. I peeked my eye open again to see that she was replacing me with a pillow. I closed my eyes as she walked towards her bed. She lightly placed me down before getting  both of us under the covers. She snuggled up to me and placed her head on my shoulder.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Blake cuddling chibi Y/N

I woke up to the sound of screaming,


My eyes snapped open as Ruby picked me up,

"What are you doing sleeping with Blake!?" Ruby exclaimed as Yang looked at me angry

"Will you keep it down?" Blake asked reaching where I use to be

Her eyes widened before she sat up almost instantly. Yang walked over to her,

"What do you think you're doing with my sister?!"

"Yang we were only sleeping. Calm down." I moved between her and Blake

"Oh yeah?! With her cuddling you!?" She shouted

We ended up waking up Weiss, whom was not in a good mood. 

"Shut up! All of you!"

"You shut up ice queen!" Yang growled

I started to get dressed as the girls continued to argue. I sighed and rubbed my temples as their arguing started to give me a headache,

"I'm going for a walk!" I shouted, but no one seemed to have heard me

I rolled my eyes and opened the door before closing it. I shook my head before I walked towards the courtyard. I was looking at the nearby forest until someone suddenly jumped on my back,


I recognized the person to be Nora since no one screamed as loud as her. 

"I think I'm deaf now." I rubbed my right ear

"Sorry Y/N!" She apologized before climbing off my back

I smiled at her as she stood in front of me,

"And what do I owe this pleasure for the goddess of thunder thighs to speak to me?" 

Nora blushed as she started to laugh nervously as Pyrrha walked up to us,

"Hello Y/N."

"Hey Pyrrha!"

"Anyway Pyrrha and I were wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us!" Nora cheered happily

"I'd love to, although I'm a little afraid of what my sisters reactions would be.."

"Sisters?" Pyrrha looked confused

"Yeah I'm the younger sister of Yang and Ruby." I smiled nervously

Nora's eyes widened, and she grabbed me by the shoulders.


"I was afraid that you would tell them that I was here. Since they didn't know I was here in the first place." I scratched my head nervously 

"Okay..but why would you be afraid of their reactions?" Pyrrha asked

"Well I kinda of went on a sugar high and Yang grounded me." 

"How can she ground you? She's not your parent." Nora stated

"That's what I told her, but she kidnapped me to her team's dorm." I sighed shaking my head

"Well you can still go. We'll make sure you don't get caught." Nora smiled mischievously 

"You know you're right. I just don't have to get caught." I smirked looking at her

"I have a bad feeling about this.." Pyrrha stated as we walked towards Vale 

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