Chapter 16

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When my team finally arrived they were a little more than pissed. Once they learned what happened they were furious. Eventually we got back to our dorm where they checked my stomach thoroughly. Their anger increased as they saw the fist imprint on my stomach. I tried to explain to them that it was my fault but they wouldn't listen. At first they wanted to kill Yang, but I talked them out of it. They went for a walk to cool down, and a few minutes later Nora busted open our door. I noticed she had a little nurse hat on and I got nervous.

"Nora what are you doing?" I asked nervously  

"Shh.." Nora placed her finger on my lips, "Nurse Nora is here to take care of you!"

 "I don't think thats a good idea..."

"Why not?!" Nora pouted

"Lets just say another..patient of yours told me about his experience." My mind wandered to when Ren broke his leg 

"Oh come on! Now sit still..." Nora straddled me, but she sat right on my pelvis trying to avoid my stomach, "Now lets check your heartbeat shall we?"

Nora placed her stethoscope on my chest. I noticed she had a light blush on her face and she smiled as she listened to my heartbeat. I fake coughed gaining her attention. She removed the stethoscope and got off of me,

"Now lets look at the stomach of yours~"

I blushed as she started to lift my shirt. She lifted my shirt and I heard her gasp. I felt her hand trace Yang's fist imprint as she looked at me worriedly. She lowered her head to my stomach and I was confused for a moment. I suddenly felt her kissing around the imprint, and she looked up at me making sure I wasn't hurting. She did that for a few more moments until she stopped. Nora looked into my eyes before she slowly leaned down to me. Our faces were centimeters apart and Nora looked between me and my lips blushing softly. She leaned in and our lips connected. Our lips moved in sync as I licked her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We battled for dominance and I won easily since Nora is a little inexperienced. The kiss was passionate and I didn't want it to end. Eventually we had to separate due to the lack of oxygen. Nora blushed softly and placed her forehead against mine,

"I love you Y/N."

"I-I love you too Nora." Wait what am I doing?! I'm dating the twins and Sienna! Well I guess I have a small little harem now.

Nora smiled and laid down on my chest. A few moments later she fell asleep, and I was thinking about waking her. I decided not to since she looked too peaceful. I tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she moved slightly in her sleep. 

How sweet

I glared at the wall in front of me as I heard my mother in my mind, 

What do you want?

You already know what I want. 

Yeah and I already told you my answer

Are you sure? You continue to stand by them and yet they aren't even your family?

They've been more of a family to me than you!

Oh? Does family hurt each other? Like Yang left her fist imprint on your stomach?

I stayed silent as I remembered what happened.

You know that fueled Black rock shooter. Her hate for this world is growing, so is her resistance towards you. I can feel her urge growing, and its also effecting you my child.

I'm not your child anymore

Oh but you are. You are made from my flesh and blood. You would still be with me if that idiotic Summer didn't take you away from me!

Wait take me away? I was told the mother gave me up voluntarily. 

No they didn't! YOU GAVE ME UP!


Summer would never do that!

Think again my child, and with that my mother's voice was gone

My mind started to race with thoughts. I tried to calm down but it didn't seem to work. Eventually after what seemed like hours, I was finally able to go to sleep. 

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Nora cuddling chibi Y/N

I was currently walking around looking at all the different stands for the Vytal festival. When my teammates came back to the dorm they said they left Nora and I sleeping. Saya said we looked cute and there was no way they were going to interrupt our little session. After Nora and I woke up Pyrrha came around to our dorm looking for her since she didn't return. When she saw Nora with me she seemed calm, but her eyes had a hint of jealousy in them. She dragged Nora back to their dorm despite Nora's protests. Anyway back to the present. I was walking around trying to avoid Yang and Ruby. Eventually I sat down on a nearby bench just watching people pass by. I sat there peacefully until I heard something,

"My queen were still investigating!" I heard Cinder

"I don't care. The plans have been moved forward." My eyes widened as I realized the other voice-it was Salem.

"Very well my queen."

I stood up as Cinder ended the conversation. As she walked out I cornered her,

"Hey Y/N." Cinder smiled 

"So who were you talking to?"

"N-No one." Cinder stated looking me in the eyes

"Oh yeah? Then why were you talking to Salem?"

Cinder's eyes widened before she pulled me into the alleyway. She pinned me against the wall with both hands on either side of my head,

"You didn't hear anything Y/N. Forget I was here and forget that conversation." Cinder commanded

"Relax." I pushed her arms away, "I only want to ask a favor of you."

Cinder raised an eyebrow at me,

"And what is your favor?"

"Take me to Salem."

"What!?" Cinder looked at me wide eyed, "Are you insane!? She'll kill you!"

"No she won't. Just take me to her."

Cinder seemed to be thinking until she finally looked back at me,

"Fine. Lets go." 

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