Chapter 19

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"So you're telling me that this whole time Y/N was adopted?!" Yang shouted

"That's right Yang." Qrow answered her giving me a worried look 

"How long?" Yang asked me

I stayed quiet looking at the ground.

"How long?" Yang demanded

"Since I was five." I answered looking down 

"You've known this whole time and didn't even tell us!?" Yang shouted once again causing me to flinch 

I didn't say anything and continued to look at the ground. I may make her even more angry if I say anything else. I grabbed my arm nervously as I shuffled my feet.  Yang just let out an angry huff while Ruby stayed silent. I could tell Ruby was devastated. She was looking at me as if I was a stranger. She seemed to be confused, and sad at the same time. I started to walk past Yang, and I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I would be too if I found out my little sister was adopted, and was never told. I held back the tears in my eyes as I walked away from everyone. I eventually found a bench and sat down.

Now look. You're all alone and stuck with us. My mother and Black Rock Shooter spoke

I brought my knees to my chest and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I sat there and cried thinking of Yang and Ruby's reactions. Suddenly I heard footsteps and someone placed their hand on my shoulder,

"Are you okay Y/N?"

I looked up to see May who was looking at me with concern.

"I-I'm fine." I wiped the tears away from my eyes

"Don't lie. I know you're not fine." May sat next to me 

I looked at her with tear filled eyes,

"I-I just had a bad day.." 

"You want to talk about it?" She asked bringing me into a hug

"Well I guess its better to tell someone then to keep it to myself." I chuckled as she released me from the hug

May nodded, but she kept me in her embrace. 

"You don't have if you want to." She told me looking down at me

"No its okay. I have to tell someone.." I sighed, "My sisters Yang and Ruby found out I was adopted today. Yang seemed angry and a little disappointed in me. Ruby didn't know what to think. She seemed confused and sad at the whole situation. I just feel so bad for not telling them. Yang flipped her shit when she found out..." Tears made its way back to my eyes, "I couldn't even look Yang in the eye."

May's grip on me tightened as she comforted me. Tears fell from my eyes and I cried on her shoulder. 

"Hey its okay." She wiped the tears from my face

I smiled sadly at her as she looked down at me with worry in her eyes. Although she slowly began to lean in, and the next thing I know she is kissing me. My eyes widened slightly before I started to kiss back. We eventually pulled away due to the lack of oxygen. We both sat there blushing until I felt May's hand slip into mine. We sat there silent until May spoke up,

"You should go talk to them. Maybe if you explain it to them they may take it better." I looked at her confused until I figured out she was talking about Ruby and Yang

"Yeah you're right." I stood up with May's hand still in mine

"I'll see you later?" May asked smiling

I smiled and nodded as she let go of my hand. She kissed my cheek before she walked away. I began to walk around looking for either Ruby or Yang. Suddenly I heard someone struggling and I walked to the noise. I looked around a corner and saw Ruby struggling in someone's arms. My eyes widened as I realized who the person was-it was Damian. He is basically my mother's bitch. He does everything and anything she tells him to do. Surprisingly he is an angel faunus, but his wings are black. He has black hair with blue eyes with slightly tan skin. I should also mention that he is kinda...crazy. He was smirking as he held Ruby's in his arms,

"Now stay still little one. My majesty wants a few words with you." He chuckled crazily

I growled and summoned my sword as I walked forward,

"Let her go Damian."

His head snapped up and he started laughing as he saw me,

"Finally! My queens beloved daughter." He smirked evilly, "She demands that I bring you home at once." 

"I'm not going back there Damian." I pointed my sword at him 

He smirked and pulled out one of his daggers. He immediately put it right at Ruby's neck as she struggled,

"Ah, ah, ah princess~. I would suggest you come with me or your precious 'sister' gets her throat slit open." He smirked 

I glared at him and he got impatient. He slowly pressed the knife against Ruby's neck drawing a some blood,

"Fine!" I dropped my sword and it disappeared, "I'll go with you. Just let Ruby go."

He smiled in victory and he withdrew his knife. He threw Ruby at me and I caught her,

"Now come along princess~" He held his hand out to me

"Don't do it Y/N!" Ruby pleaded hanging onto me

"I'm sorry. If I don't then he'll kill you." I eventually got her off of me and I walked towards Damian  

As I grabbed his hand he pulled me to his chest,

"Our queen will be so happy that you came willingly~" He chuckled

He wrapped his wings around me and in a puff of smoke, we were gone.

Ruby POV

I watched as the guy wrapped his wings around Y/N. Suddenly they disappeared leaving a puff of smoke behind. I suddenly heard running footsteps and turned to the noise. I saw Winter, Ozpin, Uncle Qrow, General Ironwood, and Penny. Qrow ran to me,

"Ruby where's Y/N?" He asked

"S-She was taken by this angel faunus. He was saying something about their queen being happy." I answered nervous

The adults all shared a look before Qrow spoke,

"We need to contact Raven." 

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