Chapter 30

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 I woke up with a heavy weight on both of my arms. I slowly opened my eyes before they widened as I saw my harem surrounding me naked. I noticed that Dew was on my right while Ciel was on my left arm. I tried to slip my arms out of their grips, but that only made their grip tightened. I mentally cursed as I tried again, but more slowly. It seemed to work as their grips loosened. I smiled softly at their sleeping faces before kissing them on the forehead. Both girls smiled in their sleep, blushing. I quickly climbed over the pile of girls before I made it to a clear spot on the bed. I placed my feet on the ground, and as I went to stand, I flopped onto the floor with a thud. I groaned as I turned myself over with my arms, getting no feeling from my legs. 

"Well shit..." I muttered as luckily, the noise of me falling didn't wake the girls

I crawled my way to my clothes, quickly slipping them on. I looked around for my scroll before I spotted it on the desk across from the room. OH COME ON! I screamed in my head as I began to crawl my way over to the desk. Although have way through the mission some of the girls started to move making me stop dead in my tracks. I silently waited and watched the girls to make sure none of them were getting up. After a good five minutes I moved again before moving on to my next struggle. As I reached the desk I quietly flopped my arm onto the desk trying to feel around for my scroll. After a few errors, my fingers finally touched my scroll. I pulled it down to my level before contacting Saya. Luckily she responded rather quickly and began to make her way to this dorm. I crawled to the door and waited for her, leaning against the wall. A few minutes later there was a soft knock, and I opened it to reveal Saya. 

"Help me.." I begged softly flopping on the ground dramatically

Saya rolled her eyes before picking me up and closing the door. I hugged her tightly, not wanting to fall as she looked at me with a smug smile,

"Who knew you had so much stamina Y/N."  

I slightly glared at her,

"Yeah when your face has been sat on at least 31 times, and when you've been fingered at least 31 times you have great stamina." 

Saya held in a laugh,

"My poor team leader." 

I rolled my eyes as she opened our door. As we walked in Kagari and Yomi looked at me with worried faces. 

"Her harem was thirsty." Saya smirked setting me down on the bed

"My dust, I don't think I would be able to handle 31 girls fucking me." Yomi replied with wide eyes

"They were too thirsty to listen to me or any logic. I told them I wouldn't be able to walk after they fucked me, but nooooooo they were just too thirsty." I sighed shaking my head 

"What did you expect? Your harem was horny and they needed you. You really think a thirsty harem is going to listen to you? Especially with 31 girls?" Kagari glared at me with a slight smile tugging on her lips 

"Shut up Kagari." I growled laying on my side

"Hey don't get salty." 

I ignored her and turned my back to her. I could feel Kagari rolling her eyes,

"Well were going for a walk." Yomi stood as Kagari followed her soon after,

"Don't go anywhere." Saya chuckled

"Oh fuck you!" I growled throwing my pillow at her

Saya quickly closed the door making my pillow hit the door instead of her. I groaned before grabbing Yomi's pillow, since I was too lazy to go get mine. I was about to go to sleep again when there was a knock at the door. I ignored it, thinking the person would go away, but no they kept knocking. I growled before glaring at the door,


It went quiet after that making me think that whoever was knocking was gone. I placed my head back on Yomi's pillow, and I started to close my eyes. A few moments later I heard the unmistakable sound of a portal opening. I kept my eyes closed as I heard a pair of feet step out of it before hearing it close. I acted like I was asleep as I felt my bed dip down as the person laid next to me. I felt the person run their hand through my hair as their gaze bore into me. Eventually they stopped and wrapped an arm around my waist bringing me closer to them,

"I know you're awake Y/N~" My eyes snapped open as I recognized the voice to be Raven

My E/C ones stared into Raven's red ones as a playful smirk appeared on her lips,

"Please don't drag me back to the others." I begged as she chuckled

"Don't worry I won't." 

Raven wrapped her other arm around my waist and pulled me towards her chest. I blushed slightly as I realized that our legs were intertwined, and my face were level with her breasts. I looked up at Raven with a light blush,

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were asleep.." 

"I was asleep until I heard something hit the floor." Raven held back a smile, "Which happened to be a naked you. I was going to bring you back to bed, but I decided to watch you crawl around for a bit. It was pretty funny.." Raven chuckled 

"It wasn't funny!" I pouted looking away from her

"Don't pout." Raven ordered as I ignored her

I crossed my arms, and turned around in her grip making my back face her. 

"Oh come on baby~" Raven purred in my ear making me blush

I continued to ignore her as I felt her hands travel all over my body, stopping at my hips.

"Let me make it up to you~" She whispered as she kissed all over my neck


Okay so this may or may not be the last chapter of this book. If I come up with some more fluff then I'll right one more chapter, but if not then this will be the end of this book. 

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