Chapter 21

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3 days later......

??? POV

I kneeled in front of her as she looked down at me. I heard her stand and I continued to look down as she approached me. She gently put her hand under my chin and made me look up at her. 

"Stand my child," She spoke and I stood, "You're finally ready." 

She put both of her hands on my cheeks as she smiled, proud of me. She walked away and motioned for me to follow her. We walked into her war room and selected something on the screen. Suddenly she expanded an image of a man, making it visible to me. The man seemed to be a little on the older side, but not too old. He has black spiky hair with dull red eyes. He also seemed to have a little stubble along his jawline. He had on a red, tattered cloak along with a grey dress shirt. He also had on black dress pants, and black dress shoes. 

"This man is Qrow Branwen. I want you to go to Vale and kill him. I've already given you his location in your scroll." 

I nodded,

"As you wish."

She summoned a portal behind me,

"Good luck my child."

Qrow POV

I took a swig from my flask as I walked around Vale. I needed some time away from the girls as the all seemed a little pissed off. They acted like they haven't had sex in months, so they're on everyone's case. Surprisingly there weren't many people in the streets. Its midday and the streets should be buzzing with people. Suddenly mid swig a portal opened a few feet away from me. At first I thought it was Raven, but this portal didn't look like hers. A person stepped out of the portal as it closed. I couldn't see there face as they seemed to have a black hood on. It also seemed to be a cape as it went all the way down to their feet,

"Qrow Branwen?" They asked and I could tell they were female 

"Yeah? What do you want." I glared at her

Suddenly she summoned a sword,

"Your death." 

I chuckled,

"That was funny kid." 

They suddenly charged at me and I quickly used Harbinger to block her attack. I pushed her back a few inches,

"Never mind." I growled 

The girl smirked before she charged at me with great speed. My eyes widened when I realized I couldn't spot her. I suddenly felt a pain in my back and I was sent flying into a building. People screamed and scrambled to get away from the fighting. I recovered and glared at the girl who seemed to be smirking. 

"Okay kid. Lets go." 

I charged towards her and swung Harbinger at her. She easily blocked it before she summoned another sword. She pushed me away before charging at me once again. I blocked one of her swords and blocked the other as she aimed for my side. I kicked her in the stomach making her stumble back. Then I saw something familiar. A flame of F/C surrounded the girls right eye as she glared at me. I wanted to make sure this was Y/N and not some type of clone. She charged me once again, but she punched me right in the stomach. The force of the punch sent me flying into a wall and blood escaped my mouth. I looked up just in time to avoid a punch to the face. Although I wasn't able to dodge the knee to my stomach. I grit my teeth in pain and I tried to punch her, but she grabbed my fist. She glared at me, the flame of F/C still glowing bright. She twisted my arm before punching me into the middle of the street. Before I could get up, she slammed her foot on my chest keeping me on the ground. As she looked down at me I finally saw her face. Indeed it was Y/N, but her eyes were different. Instead of E/C they were pitch black. She smirked as she pointed her sword at my neck. 

"Y/N?" I asked in disbelief

"There is no Y/N anymore. There is only Black rock shooter." She glared down at me, "Now any last words Qrow Branwen?" 

I was about to say something, but I was interrupted by another voice,


Y/N and I looked up to see Ruby and the rest of her team there. They also had back up including Winter, Raven and Penny. 

"Stand down." Winter ordered Y/N

Y/N chuckled as her eyes darkened. She raised her sword prepared to strike my neck. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ruby use her semblance and charge towards Y/N,


Suddenly the weight on my chest was gone, only to be followed by screaming. I looked at Y/N who was clutching her right eye. She was screaming in pain and I looked at Ruby who stood in between us. As Y/N stumbled back her hood fell, revealing who she was.

"Y-Y/N?" Ruby asked

Ruby POV

My eyes widened as I looked at Y/N. My eyes traveled to my bloody Crescent Rose and I dropped my weapon in shock. Y/N was glaring at me, and blood was dripping past her hand.

"Y-Y/N?" I asked tears brimming my eyes

Her eyes were pitch black instead of E/C. She growled at me,

"You'll pay for this Rose!!" She yelled as a portal suddenly appeared behind her

"Quick! Grab her before she goes through the portal!" Raven ordered

As her and the others ran towards her the warriors from earlier appeared from the portal. They charged at them as Y/N retreated to the portal. I tried to charge towards her but one of the warriors slammed its arm against me, sending me into a building. I stood up as Y/N walked through the portal. As soon as the portal closed, the warriors let out some type of cry before falling to the ground dead. I felt tears drip down my face as I remembered what I did to Y/N. It'll definitely leave a scar, and it'll remind me what I did for the rest of my life. Yang came over and hugged me,

"You didn't know it was her. Its not your fault."

I cried into her shoulder as she tried to calm me down.

RWBY Harem x Fem! Black Rock ShooterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora