Chapter 10

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Kagari POV

It has been a few days after Ruby and Yang talked to Y/N. She seemed happier, but was still quiet. She would always answer us in short sentences, saying no more than needed. Today was the day Y/N has to go to that detention with Ms.Goodwitch. I was slightly worried, but I had a feeling that she could handle it. 


I was sitting next to Kagari waiting for Professor Oobleck's class to end. He kept rambling and I eventually tuned him out. Ever since that event with Cardin, Black rock shooter has gotten more...rebellious. Also it seems like my mother decided to also be in my head. Her voice is there 24/7 never leaving me alone. I didn't feel like talking to the others unless I have too. I'm probably worrying my team and my sisters, but they wouldn't understand. I softly growled as I heard my mother's voice in my head,

You know this is not your future

Like you make my decisions for me!

You can't fight both me and Black rock shooter at once. You will give in, and you will destroy Remnant! And get rid of that annoying Salem! She shouted, causing me to get a terrible headache.

I groaned and gripped my head, the throbbing getting worse. Saya looked at me concerned,

"Are you okay?" She whispered, making sure the professor didn't catch her

I grit my teeth, but nodded. My mother and Salem had a weird relationship. They both want to destroy Remnant, but hate each other. There are a few incidents where they worked together, but that was rare. Anyway, Saya looked at me with a suspicious look on her face. She was going to say something when the bell rang, signalling to us that class was over. I quickly stood up and walked towards the direction of Ms.Goodwitch's class before any of my team could stop me. When I entered her class, no one was there so I choose a random seat. I laid my head down and closed my eyes trying to get rid of my headache. Although as soon as the headache started to go away, another voice popped up into my head,

Let me free..

This time though, it was Black rock shooter. 

No! I let you out twice and both times you almost killed someone!

So?! Like I said this world is too corrupted! Just let me take over or I'll make you!

You have no control over me... I growled in an aggressive way

Suddenly I heard a voice,

"Y/N are you alright?"

I looked up and noticed that Ms.Goodwitch was looking down at me. 

"I'm fine Ms.Goodwitch." 

Ms. Goodwitch raised an eyebrow not believing me. Thankfully she didn't push it further and went to her desk,

"Well Y/N, has your team decided if they want to be in Vytal tournament?"

Ah! I forgot about that. I think its coming up in about a month or so. I shrugged my shoulders looking at her,

"I don't know if thats a good idea after what happened with Cardin.."

Ms.Goodwitch nodded, understanding.

"Although I'll talk to my team about it. They might want to participate." I smiled softly

Ms. Goodwitch nodded, and my eyes widened as I saw a small smile on her face.


She looked at me,


"You're smiling..." 

Ms. Goodwitch immediately went back to her normal face her glare looking into my soul,

"I don't know what you're talking about Y/N.."

I sighed and laid my head back on the desk. I was almost asleep when I felt a hand run through my hair. I decided to act like I was asleep, and peeked on eye barely open to see who it was. I was a little shocked to find Ms.Goodwitch running her hand through my hair, with a small smile and blush on her face. I quickly shut my eye before she looked down at me. I heard her sigh before she sat next to me,

"Ah, you sweet girl..."

I blushed softly, happy that my arms were covering my face. Eventually she stopped, and I thought she would go back to her desk, but no. A few moments after she stopped I felt her press a light kiss to my cheek. I'm glad she couldn't see my face, because it probably looked as red as Ruby's cape. I heard her walk back to her seat making me a little less nervous. After a few minutes I found myself slipping in and out of consciousness, and I fell asleep. 

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N playing with chibi Zwei

I woke up to someone shaking me. I lifted my head and saw Ms.Goodwitch,

"You can go now. Your detention is over."

I nodded and groggily stood from my seat. I walked towards the door, not noticing Ms.Goodwitch looking at me the whole way. I walked towards my dorm where my team was probably waiting. I opened the door and sure enough, everyone was on their beds. I placed all my stuff down before I flopped on my bed,

"So how'd it go?"

"Not too bad.." I decided to leave out the whole 'kiss on the cheek' thing.

"Well thats good I guess." Yomi added

"Anyway did you guys want to enter the tournament?"

"The Vytal tournament?" 

"Yep. That's the one."

"Are you sure?" Saya asked placing her hand on my shoulder

"I've thought about it. I shouldn't be the ones to hold you back. I don't want to participate do to what happened, but if you all want to I'll do it." I smiled sadly at them

"No. We do things as a team." Kagari stood walking towards me

"If you don't want to participate that's fine. We understand." Yomi smiled as Kagari hugged me, "We would never leave our own behind."

I smiled as tears started to brim my eyes. The girls quickly brought me in for a group hug as tears fell from my eyes. I sobbed into Saya's shoulder before I looked up at her. She smiled at me as tears continued to fall,

"We're like family. We would never leave you for the world."

Yomi and Kagari looked at me, their smiles agreeing with what Saya had said. I started to cry more as I looked at all of them,

"T-Thank you."

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