Chapter 8

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A/N:T/N means team name


Your POV

I made my way over to the cafeteria after Professor Port's class. I was pretty happy that I got Ms. Goodwitch to drop the detention thing, otherwise my sisters would kill me. Especially Yang. I sat next to Yomi who looked at me curiously,

"So what happened with Ms.Goodwitch?"

"She was going to give me a after school detention, but I talked her out of it."

"How did you do that?!" Kagari asked amazed

"Honestly? I don't know. It maybe because of my puppy dog eyes I gave her."

"Suree. Ms.Goodwitch would never give in to that!" Kagari continued

"Give in to what?"

Yomi and I turned around to see team RWBY standing there.

"Y/N got in trouble with Ms.Goodwitch." Saya lifted her drink while smirking

"For what?" Yang asked as her teammates sat down at our table.

"I fell asleep and she would've gave me a one day detention, but I talked her out of it!" I smiled proudly

"With puppy dog eyes." Yomi added

Ruby smiled at me,

"At least she got out of a one day detention!"

Yang threw her arm at me and smiled, 

"Yeah if she didn't well.." Yang slightly glared at me causing me to sink into my seat

I laughed nervously as I began to eat my food. We talked about normal things until a cry of pain interrupted us. I looked towards the sound and I glared at the sight. Meathead, or also known as Cardin was pulling on Velvet's ears. I growled and stood up,

"Hey meathead!"

Cardin growled and turned his head in my direction. You see, me and Cardin don't really like each other so we usually fight...a lot. 

"What do you want emo girl?"

"You. Me. Lets go." I started to crack my knuckles walking over to him

"Yeah sorry, I'm not interested in your type." Cardin snickered

"Yeah me neither. Guys with peanut sized brains aren't my type either."

Cardin growled and stood up walking towards me.

"Come on heavy foot." I snickered throwing up my fists

"Absolutely not." Yang grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from Cardin

"Okay, okay." I secretly smiled as she sat me down

I twisted out of her grip and ran straight towards Cardin, punching him in the face. He tumbled backwards until Dove steadied him. Cardin growled as the rest of his teammates stood up.

"You've got some nerve.." Sky growled

"You can go ahead and sit down grandpa." I snickered

"What did you just call me?!"

"Jeez, not only do you have grey hair, but it seems that his hearing is out too!" People started to chuckle, trying to hold in their laughs

"Thats it!" Sky charged towards me and I was about to punch him, only for one of Kagari's disk to hit him right in the head.

Sky fell right on his butt, and the disk returned to Kagari whom was now standing next to me. Kagari stood there with a neutral expression on her face as she stared at Sky. Sky growled and stood up rubbing his head. He stood back in line with his team as we all had a stare off. Yomi and Saya joined Kagari and I before we charged. I smirked as I hit Cardin right in the stomach, sending him flying into a table. As soon as Cardin hit the table all hell broke loose. Teams began throwing food, and some even fought others. Yomi charged towards Dove, Saya charged towards Russel, Kagari took Sky, and I took on king kong myself. 

Cardin got up just as a piece of cake came flying by his face. I smiled as I kicked him in the side, although he grabbed my foot and threw me. I easily landed on my feet, and I saw him charging towards me with his shoulder down. I smirked as I jumped over him, and he charged right into the wall. He groaned in pain as he put his left hand on his shoulder. I didn't let him rest though, and as he turned around I punched him in the stomach. I slowly felt myself going insane as the battle between us continued. Let me out! I can take care of him! Black rock shooter shouted at me in my head. Absolutely not! You almost killed someone last time! I argued back. While I was distracted Cardin punched me in the stomach. I was sent backwards a few feet before I used my feet to stop me. I groaned as I clutched my head, as I felt black rock shooter coming to the surface. NO! I screamed at her but it was too late.

Yomi POV

I easily defeated Dove, and I turned around to check on Y/N when I saw her. I could tell black rock shooter had come to the surface, but that wasn't the only thing. Y/N's right eye was a engulfed with a small flame of glowing F/C, signaling she went to insane black rock shooter. 

"Saya!" I called to her as she defeated Russel

"What?" She looked at Y/N and her eyes widened, "Oh no.."

I saw Y/N smirk as she summoned her black rock sword. Cardin smirked and charged towards her, but she easily caught his fist. She twisted his hand as he screamed in pain. She forced him on his knees before she raised her sword. Cardin looked at her with fear as she smiled crazily. I charged forward and tackled her. Her sword scattered against the ground and disappeared. I pinned her shoulders as I struggled to keep her pinned,

"Y/N! You need to regain control! Fight her!" I yelled at her over the chaos. I made her look over to Yang and Ruby who were looking at her frightened, "Y/N your sisters are watching." I whispered

She glared at me as she let out a growl, but her fight was slowly withering away. Her eye was getting dimmer and dimmer until it finally went back to normal. Y/N looked around panicked until her eyes met mine. I hugged her as she finally came around, tears brimming in her eyes. The cafeteria doors suddenly slammed opened revealing Ozpin, and Ms.Goodwitch. The cafeteria went quiet, as Ozpin scanned the room. His eyes landed on team CRDL and the rest of my teammates. His eyes slightly softened when he saw Y/N, and he must've realized what happened.

"Team CRDL you have a three day detention with Dr. Oobleck." They groaned as Ozpin continued, "T/N come with me to my office."

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