Dear Diary (1)

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"Dear Diary, today will be different.  It has to be.   Today, Elena will be less annoying, and it will be believable.  Less annoying Elena will have friends, and not follow me around all day.  I will start fresh-"

"Adie! Be quiet, or your sister will hear you! You need to stop reading her diary."

We stood in the Gilbert family kitchen, preparing for the first day of school. I was feeling off somehow, like I shouldn't be here. It had happened since the accident, and I was ignoring it - my flawless method for dealing with all my problems.

I smirk, "The only way you'd know what I was referring to was if you read it too," I singsonged.

Jenna paled, before immediately changing the subject as Elena walked down the stairs.

"Toast! I can make toast!" was her brilliant way of doing so.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena chimes in, unaware of our previous conversation.

She looked... strained.

Jeremy walked in, looking especially angst-y and misunderstood, "Is there coffee?"

Jenna frowned, "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?"

"I'm good," Elena said.

I spoke at the same time while extending a hand, "Feed my fast food addiction."

Jenna cracked a small smile, placing money into my outstretched hand, before extending some to Jeremy.

I snapped it up, too, "let's not feed his addiction."

Jeremy flashed me a quick glare.

Jenna chose to ignore me, "Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

"A cool and calm exterior," I stated.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena spoke in a more serious manner, as was her custom.

A look of realization crossed Jenna's face, followed by panic, "I'm meeting with my thesis advisor Crap!"

"Then go. We'll be fine. You okay?" Elena said, the last part being aimed at Jeremy.

"Don't start," he responded.

Like I said, full of angst.


The car ride was eventful. I zoned out while Bonnie talked about how she was suddenly psychic, before a crow hit our car. I watched Elena try to play off her panick, while I just blinked a couple times before recovering.

Bonnie finished strong with a motivational speech about this year, while I chose not to voice my feeling that everything was about to change.

I attempted to separate from the two when we pulled in, but Elena wouldn't comply as per usual. She sent me the look that said she would fall apart completely if I wasn't there.

I stayed, of course. She got a dead parent pass for being clingy, no matter how much I reserved the right to complain about it.

A blonde blur ran up to us and immediately attacked Elena, "How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?"

She looked at me for the last part, as if they weren't my parents too. I raised an eyebrow.

"This is my nightmare," I muttered while Elena spoke up.

"Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you."

"Adie lost them too," Bonnie muttered while I tried not to grimace. I appreciated her not letting me be ignored, but she extended the conversation with Airhead Barbie.

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