So Far Up Your Ass that You Choke on it (17)

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Do you ever find yourself looking at what's occurring around you, and just think... what the hell just happened?

I've found myself doing that a lot lately.

For instance, that's how I feel watching Damon stake Elijah.

That's followed by the big oh shit moment, when I realize how this is going to negatively impact my life.

Elijah is going to want to kill Damon - I mean who doesn't? - and I'm going to have to get in the middle of that shit storm.

Nothing is ever easy anymore.  Except, of course, Damon.

But - I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'll start at the beginning.


How many times do you have to tell someone to stay in their damn house?

How many times do you have to tell a different someone to keep a defenseless teenage girl inside her damn house?

How is that difficult to do?

How can a vampire hunter let said defenseless teenage girl escape said damn house - not once, but two separate times.. in the same night?

These are the questions that haunt me as I stomp up the driveway to the Gilbert house.

I look at my clock - 12:01 am.

This means the day-long anti-magic spell has worn off.. and I'm free to kick Ric's ass.

Throwing the door open, I see him waiting for me.

"I just noticed she was gone," he raised his hands up.

"Can you explain this to me? Because I'm having trouble with it."

He sighed, "she tricked me, okay? I didn't expect it from her."

I frown.  Being around vampires was affecting her - she's never been a deceitful person.  Then again, neither was Katerina as a human.

I shook off my thoughts, "Her car is still here. She must have been trying to go see Stefanie. Anyone could have grabbed her the second she got outside."

"Why would someone want to grab her? Mistaking her for Katherine?"

"I'm afraid not. Elena's had a target on her back from the second she was born. Her face is a curse - I was hoping vampires would never find out about her.  Hell, if my plan hadn't been compromised by the Salvatores showing up, I was hoping for her to never find out about vampires."

"So you blended into her human life, hoping it would stay human," he said in an ahhhh voice. 

"Yeah, well, plan As never actually work.  I've never actually gotten to the end of the alphabet before, being the competent vampire that I am, so for now we're rooting for B."

"What do you want me to do?" Ric asked.

I sigh, "stay in the protected house with Jeremy and Jenna when she gets home. I know you can protect yourself, but they can't."


I smile, "thanks Ric. You know, I was coming here to kick your ass originally."

"Ah - I'm glad that was plan A."

I laugh in response, "you're pretty difficult to stay mad at."

"I would say it's the charm and the winning personality, but my ex-wife and Jenna could probably prove you wrong there."

"Careful Ric, your inner Damon is showing."


I'm sitting in my car, contemplating my next move.

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