Isobitch (9)

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I was in Florida when my phone rang for the millionth time.

It was quite bothersome.

But more than anything, with each phone call I had started to feel a pinch of something suspiciously similar to guilt.

I quickly hit the ignore button, deciding not to dwell on the nagging feeling.

I know, I know.  You, my adoring fans, are confused.  What am I doing in Florida?  How long have I been there?  How could I ditch my best friend after he finds out his 'epic love' was never trapped in a spelled tomb waiting for him to come save her for 150 years?  Sidebar, 'epic love' was not how I'd describe Damon and Katherine.

Trust me, I was there.

I'm getting ahead of myself again, aren't I?  We'll just stick to the basics right now.  My name isn't actually Adison Gilbert, and I'm a vampire that just had her memory spell broken due to her witch dying.

Sheila Bennett had really put a kink in my plans, if we're being honest.  I was unhappy about her death, for many reasons.

This is probably confusing for a lot of you, so that's all I'm going to tell you.. for now.  Can't give all my secrets away at once, can I?

But back to Florida.. It all started because I needed a new witch. 

Thanks again, Sheila.

I had been all over the southern US the past several weeks, looking for a suitable replacement. I needed that done before I returned to Mystic Falls, which I succeeded in doing two days ago. My lovely new witch had sent me here, to check off the second item on my agenda.

I was sitting a street over from my destination, enjoying a coffee and a bagel.

Okay, you got me.  It was a blood bag in a coffee to-go cup. Details, details.

And really, I was stalling more than anything.  I typically had a witch lined up before my current one died, so I had never had to deal with the unfortunate situation of my many spells wearing off.  This was collateral damage of that, so here I was.

Damage control.

I sighed and decided to stall a little more by listening to a few of my many voicemails.

"Taking off like a bat outta hell right after I start to spiral.. not exactly BFF material-"

"It's time to come back, Adie.  Elena thinks you're off absorbing bourbon like a sponge in some dingy bar somewhere and-"

"Adie, I'm so worried.  I know you told me you needed time after Grams died, but-"

"I'm officially using our resident witch-bitch to track you, so get ready to be hauled home-"

"Adie, Elena is so worried.  Damon is too, when he isn't eating innocent sorority girls.  If you just tell us where you are-"

"Truth bomb time.  Elena and Stefan almost died, we found out  Elena is adopted - you're welcome for being so gentle about that - and I turned her birth mom into a vampire who's in Mystic Falls trying to-"

I skimmed through a mix of messages from Damon, Elena, and Stefan - I'm sure you can guess who left what - with a sigh.  I didn't worry much until the message about Isobel.  Shit.  I was going to have to go back.. today.

She was one frigid bitch, and she would kill that entire town to get what she wanted.

Realizing I couldn't put off my task any longer, I stood up and walked to the address my new witchy friend had given me. 

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