Sacrifice (21)

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~~~ And all that's left to say now, is goodbye ~~~

"Elena," I call out, a sad smile on my face.

She sees me leaning against the front door of the house and tells Stefan she'll be right back.

I can't believe I made it in time.

I thought, for sure, I wouldn't be able to say goodbye - which is why I sent Damon in my place earlier. I could hear him upstairs, pacing. He wasn't going to say goodbye - he wouldn't even if it was permanent.

Forever emotionally stunted, my best friend.

But here we were.

I didn't know if it made it easier or harder.

"Don't want to come outside?" she frowns.

"I can't risk Niklaus seeing me and getting his memories early," I explain, as I walk deeper into the house.

The spell was weak as it was - the phone call earlier had made sure of that.

"I'm here to say goodbye," I explain.

"Thanks to you and Damon, you know it isn't going to be goodbye," she responds tightly, her doe eyes holding mine.

"You know I have a plan, peaches. Otherwise you wouldn't be having so much trouble acting angry."

Her lip protruded in stubbornness. Classic Elena.

"Come on," I force a smile, "Humor me."

Finally, she releases her frown and hugs me.

I close my eyes, "I'm sorry I let things get this far."

My words are tight, and I mean them.

The doppelgängers tend to grow on me - what can I say?

"I'm going to be fine, Adie. I love you."

"Love you too, peaches," I release my fake sister and smile tightly.

And then, I listen to Niklaus take her away - leaving Damon to pull his brother together, knowing it's what they both needed.


The first person I see when I get to the old witch house a couple hours later is John.

Our eye contact contains a lot of hate - along with a thinly veiled warning.. one that I knew he understood.

Damon is inside, and I walk over to him first.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Sabrina the teenage witch is downstairs with baby Gilbert, and Alaric and Stefan called to say they're on their way," he says before taking a drink of the scotch he apparently brought with him.

See? He makes good decisions sometimes.

I frown at his words, though, "why isn't Alaric with Jenna?"

He shrugs, turning to walk away. I grab his arm to stop him with a follow-up question, not expecting him to hiss like I had shot it.

Well, that's interesting.

"Damon?" I ask, warningly, as I go to roll up his sleeve.

"Adie, it's fine," he says as he tries to yank his arm out of my grasp.

I'm too strong, though.

So I roll up his sleeve, and I see the very last thing I expected.

A werewolf bite.

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