Taking Down the Evil Slut (16)

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"Hello, Katerina," I smiled as I appeared inside a home the brunette had been residing in.

"Adalyn. What a surprise," she spoke after a moment's hesitation, "what brings you to see little old me?"

"An opportunity for us each to get what we need."

"Oh?" she smirks, "do tell."


Okay, I realize that something might not be clear.

I truly like Katerina. 

She often annoys me, yes.  But it's hard to seriously dislike someone after dedicating yourself to saving them.

She has spunk.  Her entire existence has only ever served to entertain me.

This could be confusing.. seeing as I'm orchestrating her demise.

You see, over an immortal life, you end up destroying people you don't hate every now and again.  It happens.  You won't see me pretending I occupy the moral high ground.

She destroyed my best friend, so I need to destroy her back.  It's only fair.

I was also - screw me - still protecting the doppelbitch.

She mistakingly thought that she could hand all the ingredients to break Niklaus's curse to him and be free. 

A part of her had to know that all she would be doing is increasing the strength of the man who would continue to hunt her down.

She would spend her entire life running - it wasn't much of a life at all.

But she was alive - and to her, that was everything.

These thoughts swirled in my mind as I lounged lazily at the Salvatore's house.

I was brought back to the present by a hysterical rant by Caroline.  I didn't really listen - I took note of the subject and then counted to 15 in my head until I felt it was time to interrupt.

"Okay! So in more concise terms that don't make me long for physical harm.. you're scared you can't trick Katerina."

"Yes! I just know that every time I try she sees right through me and she'll kill Matt and-"

I cleared my throat.

She looked at me guiltily, "sorry."

"I'm going to let you in on something.  You can convince Katerina of almost anything - even though she has superb instincts - by keeping one simple idea in mind."

"Oh this is sure to be good," Damon spoke up, sitting down and putting his hands under his chin mockingly.

With wicked speed, I shattered the glass I had been sipping on & threw a shard into Damon's throat.

"Vocal cords are a privilege - not a right," I say sweetly.

He pulled it out slowly, eyes flashing.

"Now, where was I?" I turned back to the blonde at my side, "Katerina is simple. She always has a backup plan, and she does not expect the easy victory - ever. Which means.. if she feels like she's forcing the information out of you, she'll believe the lie. Make it hard to get - make her work for it - most importantly, don't feed her the lie without making her shake you down a couple times first."

She nods slowly, as I catch a glass shard aimed at my head.

I frown at the blood on my fingers, "you could have at least used a fresh one. Do you know how many STDs can be transferred through blood?"

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