Vicki Eats a Bunny (4)

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I was painting - a favorite pastime of mine - for the first time since I had learned about vampires.


Well, it had come to my attention that I was getting a tad obsessive.  I had made like 30 stakes, and I only knew 2 vampires.  I realized that I spend more time looking up weapons than I spent on my homeschooling (I was still suspended). 

I needed the distraction.

I was using a blood red color, so obviously I was still somewhat thinking about it.

Elena ran in my room with panic in her eyes and slammed the door.

"Adie why did you send me there," she shouts, pacing and breathing heavy.

I blinked and slowly stood.

"Elena, breathe," I spoke slowly.  She just shook her head at me.

Stefan - unhelpfully, might I add - appeared in my room at this time.

I'm pretty sure Elena would have sprinted from the room if I wasn't standing there calmly.  She stepped slightly behind me, and I sighed.

"Elena.." I started. 

Stefan held his hands up slowly, "I would never hurt you. You're safe with me."

Let the records show that I did not roll my eyes - like I very much wanted to.

"All those animal attacks, those people who died..." she trailed off.

"Seriously, Elena? Do you really think I would have sent you to talk to him if he was going to murder you?" I exclaimed.

"No. That was Damon!" Stefan forced out.

"Damon?" Elena put on her judgey eyes. 

"Yes. I don't drink human blood. That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does! I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody," he said.

"Pot calling the kettle black," I murmured lowly.  Just because he wasn't like Damon right now, doesn't make Damon the bad brother.  Stefan was one extreme or the other - really good or really bad.  Damon just happened to be.. more consistent.

"How can you ask me that?" Elena asked softly after looking at me oddly.

"Because you knowing this is dangerous for so many reasons. You can hate me, but I need you to trust me," Stefan stated.

"Your approach is a shaky 5 out of 10, Stefan," I ground out, "just go - I have it taken care of."

"Just go. Just go, please. Go. If you mean me no harm, then you'll go!" Elena spoke up.

"I never wanted this," Stefan said.

I walked closer to him and spoke so only he could hear me, "Her entire world has just shifted, give her time.  It'll be alright."

He nodded slowly and then disappeared.  I turned to my sister.

"Breathe," I began.

I led her to the bed and she sat down, but she couldn't stop shaking.

"His brother is a monster.  He's just letting him kill people.  He is.. he is.."

"Elena, I know you're freaking out, but you know nothing about vampires.  Don't you think you should get the whole picture, before making judgements?" I spoke kindly, despite my words not being as delicate.

"What excuse is there for that?" she stared at me.

"The worst parts of someone don't always define them," I sighed, "Stefan is at his best, right now.  He's good, right now.  That doesn't mean he hasn't ever been a monster.  What would he be if he killed his own brother, when he's been at his worst like that too?"

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