Ramifications of the Great Neck Snapping of 2011 (24)

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Life is not easy when you are surrounded in scandal.

I had learned this truth at a young age.

It was especially prominent today, as I ushered my little brother through the market on my dress tail.

"Hold on to me, Rok," I instruct, pushing through passers by at a quick pace.

They do one of two things: look at me like I am an evil in their village, or pretend I am not here at all.

I much prefer the second - especially today.

"Ada, wait!" I hear as the pressure on the back of my dress lets up.

Mumbling a curse in the old language, I look to see where he's gone.

Going red, I see him sneakily grab a loaf of bread from a nearby stand & walk back over my way casually.

"Rok," I scold when he is close enough, "you get caught and that is one less hand you have for chores. Let us go."

Pushing him towards our hut, I do not let him slow down until we are safely inside.

"Do not steal again," I speak quietly, dividing up the bread along with the rations I had hid in my own skirts.

"You steal," he counters stubbornly.

"Better I lose a hand than you."

"I knew you would not be able to get the bread because the man stares," he mumbles, making me feel a pang of guilt.

"It is better to go without, then," I speak lowly, pushing his portions toward him.

"Too much," he says, pushing some back.

The seven year old was beyond his years, noticing he was always given more.

I push it back in his direction, "you are growing. When you are taller than me, we can divide the bread in half."

We eat in silence, the food hitting my previously empty stomach.

"Why do they stare at you?" He asks after finishing, a thoughtful look on his young face.

"Because I am beautiful," I respond lightly, brushing the question off with a joke.


I sigh, accepting that he was not at the age to let things go.

"Because I sent Papa away," I respond seriously.


"Because he was going to hurt us."

"Do they know that?"

"They do not care. They blame me for disobeying."

"They blame me too?"

"No - you were only a year of age," I smile tightly, remembering his chubby cheeks & legs.

"How old were you?"

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