Magic Bodily Fluids (11)

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I laid on the hard pavement of the road next to Damon.

It wasn't the first time.  Over the years, I had caught up with Damon pretty often.. especially when he flipped the switch. 

We usually started his interventions here.

"It's peaceful, isn't it?" I murmur, looking over at him.

"Peacefully boring, I need a snack," he responds.

"I'm sure someone will come along soon."

"No they won't."

"What?" I turn toward him.

"No one's coming, because we're about to be dead."


I coughed myself awake, realizing I was still in the basement of the burning building.  The smoke must have temporarily killed me. 

I pulled myself up, looking around. 

Annabelle laid near me, dead. There was a stake through her heart, and I sighed.  She was one I might have let live, now that my memories were my own.

The rest of the tomb vampires laid unconscious all around me, and I was quietly relieved.  The council had gotten all of them, and it honestly saved me a lot of effort.

They couldn't leave Mystic Falls without creating problems for me.. therefore they couldn't leave Mystic Falls at all.

John had helped me without knowing it, which might have made me hate him a little less - if only he had left Damon out of it.

The fact that he didn't resigned me to somehow making Dickhead miserable in the very near future.

Speaking of Damon, he was near me, so I sped over.

"Adie?" he coughed, "you were dead."

He must have seen me come down and temporarily die - I wondered briefly how traumatic that had been.

Oh well, no time to explain.

"I got you," I said, pulling his arm around my shoulders.

"What the hell, you're a vampire?" Apparently he wasn't too weak to be indignant.

"This is going to hurt," I said quickly, noting that the fire on the stairs was in full flame. 

We were going to have to go right through it.

I took a deep breath, and vamp-sped into the blazing heat.

The fire licked my skin, and I ignored the burns.  I pulled him through the open door I had entered through, coughing.  We both fell as soon as we were out.

"Oh my God!" Elena yelled, running over to me, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I murmured, watching my burns heal.


He looked up, "peachy.  Now Adie and I need to have a little chat."

"What do you-"

Damon grabbed me and vamp-sped, and I didn't fight him. 

Why? Because the air felt nice on my healing skin.

He also totally thought he was stronger than me - which was guaranteed to be very, very amusing.

He put me on the couch of the Salvatore house and sped over to the scotch.

"I'll go first," I volunteered, "You're welcome for the whole speeding into a burning building for you thing."

"Here's what I'm not putting together," he rudely does not say thank you, "when?  Was it after the tomb was opened? Was it the night of your convenient little memory loss? And why go all boxcar children on us about it?"

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