Stefan Salvatore: Broody or Constipated? (18)

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The first thing I did when I got back to Mystic Falls was tear the heart out of a werewolf.

I did it with a smile on my face, even though the thoughts filling my head were primarily filled with an annoyance so strong that only two people could be responsible.

The Salvatores.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" asks another dog nearby, as I frown delicately at the blood coating my favorite ring.

Someone was getting deccapitated for that.

"Uh, that'd be me," I hear the drawling voice of Damon answer.

Rolling my eyes, I sped behind the werewolf who had asked and shoved my hand into his chest.

"No!" Shouts a brunette nearby.

"Actually, I killed Uncle Fido," I smiled, pulling out the heart and tossing it at the brunette, "whatcha gonna do about it?"

Werewolves started appearing out of the woods around us, making the despair in the brunette's eyes fade quickly into something cold and proud.

I only laugh.

"You have two seconds to release Caroline, or every flea-ridden son-of-a-bitch here dies," I smile again, knowing I was using my slightly unhinged voice.

"You're outnumbered," the girl says through a clenched jaw, "and you're going to pay for that."

"Your way, then," I acknowledge solemnly.

Everything is still for a moment, and then all hell breaks loose when I attack.

Two hearts and one head are on the ground before everyone else starts moving. Most of the werewolves take off toward me, wanting to avenge their doggy pals.

Those are the least fortunate ones.

I find myself falling into a pattern of fighting I learned as a human - a pattern that could take down an army with only a small amount of opposing warriors.

I wish briefly that I held a sword, which would make this slightly bloodier, way more fun, and only a pinch more impressive.

Man, do I miss the use of swords and daggers instead of guns and missiles.

Yet even without my weapon of choice, I destroy everyone in my path.

You might be thinking - Adie, we know you're awesome and everything, but why aren't you just snapping their necks? Wouldn't that be quicker?

Why yes, it would.

However, it would also be less fun.

And the truth - that only I know - was, I was lethal long before I was immortal.  I liked to remind myself of that every now and again.

More on that later, though.

Back to the present!  I look around as the last werewolf attacking me loses a very vital organ. I curse, seeing Damon get shot with a shotgun, Stefan about to be bitten, and Caroline held against the RV by the brunette.

My choice was simple, and I sped toward the weakest, most inexperienced vampire.

Quickly, I shove the brunette's head into the nearest wall, making her fall to the ground unconscious.

"She was annoying as hell," I murmur, noticing that Damon had healed and Stefan had managed to kill the last wolf.

Sometimes you just have to trust people to deal with their own shit.

I note quickly that I had taken down all of the other werewolves before dealing with the brunette.

Speaking of her, I lean down and inject some wolfsbane into her arm with the syringe that had been waiting in my pocket. The bad doggies had been annoying, but they had come at a fortunate time for me. Werewolves were hard to come by, after all.

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