Killing People is Not a Hobby (6)

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Jeremy was sketching again.

That was my only thought as I walked down the stairs with Elena, smiling.

It was good to see him moving on - being a person again.

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out," Elena announces to Jenna as we walk into the living room.

"You're kidding," she exclaimed, and I smiled.

"Nope. But his expression while he drew was still full of angst," I acknowledged.

"Don't say a word. The minute we encourage it, he'll stop," Elena added.

"Psychology major. Check that!" I laughed at Jenna's words.

Jenna asked for an update on Stelena, pulling me into thoughts of the Salvatores leaving. I was conflicted. A part of me knew that not having the supernatural in this town was for the best, yet another part of me felt like I was losing something important.

I was ignoring that thought, though, because it was way too deep for my tastes.

Elena buttons up her jacket, considering her response, "He knows how I feel and where I stand, and I know where he stands - but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away."

"Where is he going?"

"I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary."

Elena opens the door and we all file out - them to class, me to run, "Yours leaves, mine returns."

I freeze where I stand.

"Logan?" I ask, hoping the answer isn't what I expect it to be.

"He's back," Elena groans, while Jenna continues, "I didn't let him pass the front door."

They continue talking, while I start to jog in the opposite direction.

One more adventure with the vampires, I guess.


After I walk in and situate myself on the couch across from an unsurprised looking Stefan, I notice Liz and Damon walking outside.

I look at Stefan in question, and he holds up a finger to his lips to gesture that he's listening.

"They found another body," he finally said.

I'm going to kill Logan 'Scum' Fell, I decided.

"What is wrong with you? You killed somebody?" I was pulled from my thoughts as Stefan vamp-sped at Damon as he came back inside.

"You know what happens when we assume things, Stefan," I announce.

He looks at me in question.

"You make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'" I smirk.

He continues to stare at me.

"I guess it's only funny if you know how to spell," I shrug.

"Get off of me," Damon gives me an eye-roll before shoving off Stefan, "A...don't touch me. B...if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it. C...There's another vampire in town."

"That's impossible."

"Not exactly," I singsong.

Stefan looks at me, "Who?"

"Ah, what do we care? We're leaving anyway, right?" Damon says sarcastically.

"Damon, be less of an ass," I start before standing, "it's Logan Fell.. who was - debatably - more of an ass than Damon before vampire-ness intensified his less-than-delightful personality."

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