If Vampires Could Get STDs (5)

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I'm on my way to the Salvatores with Elena, staring out the window watching the trees pass by.

"You're being weird," she says suddenly, after 5 minutes of silence.

"You're the one going to your ex's house for oh... the millionth time since you broke up," I smirk, my eyes not changing their expression at all.

"You're biting your lip."

"Nothing gets by you," I raise my eyebrows, casting her a sidelong glance.

"You only do that when something is off. You're being weird," she repeats.

"No, I'm not," I mutter.

She stares at me for a long moment, "fine, don't tell me."

"Nothing to tell," she puts the car in park and I climb out.

She follows, "sure, Adie, whatever you say."

She rings the bell, and a female voice that I don't recognize rings out, "It's open! Come on in."

"Ooooh Damon has a skank over," I whisper, while Elena shushes me with a grin on her face.

We walk in, seeing a pretty blonde in a towel.

She looks at Elena like she's sprouted a second head out of her ass, "Oh my God! How...uh- wh-...Who?"

"I'm Elena," she says awkwardly, yet kindly, "Who are you?"

"Lexi, a friend of Stefan's."

I make a noise and open my mouth, and Elena nudges me to stop me from talking - which is a shame, because my comment was going to be quite entertaining.

"Is he here?"

"He's in the shower. Do you want to wait?"

Her face fell, and I consider staking Stefan.

"No," she manages to get out.

"I'll tell him you stopped by."

"That's okay," Elena says as she looks at me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay," I lean in, "It's gonna be okay. We'll talk when I get back."

She nods and speaks quickly before turning to leave, "don't do anything stupid. It's really fine."

I look at Lexi, who looks at me for the first time since the exchange started and gawks - before smiling.


I frown in confusion, "have we met?"

She smiles, "ah. No, Stefan just told me a lot about you."

Stefan talking shit about me behind my back - what a shock.  He probably told her all about my 'questionable morals.'

And no, to answer your question - I really was not going to let that go.

"Interesting," I take a deep breath, "Is Damon here?"

She raises her eyebrows, "Damon, huh? Nope."

I frowned.. not good.

"Not Damon, huh. Just Damon. It's not like that. But while we're on the subject.. Stefan, huh?"

She barked out a laugh, "I wasn't assuming anything. I wouldn't think so, trust me. And Stefan is my best friend.. if you want to tell your friend Elena that she can breathe again."

"My sister," the odd look on her face made me trail off before speaking again, "and actually, this might help her realize she wants to be with him - saving me from more 3 am talk-about-our-feeling sessions, so."

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