(Kind of) Dead Daddy Dickhead (10)

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I sat on Elena's bed, holding my breath.

I was holding my breath because I thought that limiting the oxygen to my brain might counteract the awkwardness of her not speaking to me. 

Seriously, it had been 20 minutes. 

I had walked in, compelled Jenna not to ground me, got yelled at by Jeremy, and came in here to be stared at with judgey eyes.

"So this is fun," I said finally.

"Why?" she said.

"You're gonna have to be more specific than that, peaches."

"Stop! Stop making funny comments and brushing everything off.  Why did you leave me behind? I needed you!"

"Elena," I sighed, "I had to process my grief on my own."

I wasn't entirely lying.  Once my memories came back, I had needed to be far, far away from Mystic Falls.

"I told you before I left, and I'm sorry I wasn't here when you found out you were adopted.  I am.  But you have these ridiculously high expectations.  I'm not always going to meet them."

She frowned slightly, but finally made eye contact with me, "I know Grams was important to you."

I nodded.

"I'm here now," I muttered.

"Yeah," she smiled at me, silently forgiving me.

2/2, I was on a bit of a role.

"You better get your beauty sleep," she grinned mischievously, "we have Founders Day tomorrow.  And tomb vampires to worry about."

I froze.


As she explained, my anger rose.

Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight.


I sighed as I ripped the heart out of the last tomb vampire in the building.

They weren't a good fight, but getting answers out of vampires that had spent 150 years desiccating wasn't exactly easy. 

They had a high tolerance for pain.

I wasn't any less annoyed, because apparently they had separated.  I was going to need Annabelle to find the other, likely more argumentative group.

At least that made clean up simpler.  I could leave them, and it would look like the aftermath of the other tomb group.

I sped back home, as the sun rose in the sky. 

It had been an all-night venture.


I made Damon pick me up, to keep up the human appearance.

We see Stefan, dressed like his original time period, and walk up to him. 

"Look at you, all retro," Damon opens, while I smirk.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isobel is gone, Adie is back and it's Founders' Day! I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl."

I finally open my mouth, "hold up. Bonnie, the witch who hates vampires, is who you both - two vampires - trusted to ensure your safety from the Gilbert device? You're both morons."

"Bonnie wouldn't do that to Elena," Stefan said, although he didn't seem too sure.

"So you think she would abandon her whole system of morals for Elena?" I raised an eyebrow, "Bonnie isn't a Salvatore brother."

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