Damon Passes Around the Syph (14)

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Damon was doing the exact thing I had warned him not to do: dig for information.

Except, he wasn't digging up doppelgänger information like I had warned him against.

Elena had plenty of doppelgänger/Katerina questions, which I had been happy to answer seeing as she had no idea to ask about the sacrifice.. or even that there was a sacrifice.

That had seemed to curb her general curiosity.. though she still decided to go with Damon to Duke to look for information on Mystic Falls' resident mutts.

I had made an executive decision to ignore their little search for wolfy information - seeing as they blatantly disregarded my werewolf comment at the carnival. When the Lockwoods' doggy genes were confirmed in Isobel's research, I would reveal the werewolf information after a lengthy apology was delivered.

But back to Damon - he was doing the one thing even worse than digging up information that might alert Niklaus.

He was digging for information on me.

To say I was annoyed would be an understatement.

Was I scared of what he could find? Not exactly.

You see, I didn't allow people who had memories pertaining to my life history to keep them. That fact should be obvious at this point.

In fact, where the Mikealsons had ensured that they were a living legend within vampire kind, I had made sure that I was the opposite.. nonexistent.

So scared? Nope. Annoyed? Oh yes. Very, very annoyed.

And when I'm annoyed? Someone (read: Damon) typically ends up maimed, impaled, or mentally tortured.

It had been a while since I went with the third option, so I figured I'd switch it up a little today.

So, long story short, this was how I ended up spending my Saturday morning speeding around Duke's campus, compelling every sorority girl on it to do one of two things upon laying eyes on Damon.

1: slap him and loudly comment that he gave her the syph.

2: call campus police, report his location, and say that he had done something horrible of the girl's own imagination.

Then, I provided the girls & campus police with a nice, hefty shot of vervain.

Laughing hysterically at my tactics, I had sped back to Mystic Falls to catch up with Stefanie and Caroline.

"So you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic control freak...on crack?" Caroline was asking as I sped to a nearby tree and let my back rest against it, crossing my arms.

"You forgot obsessive," I inserted, "but to be fair, Stefan here has two very different enhanced personalities - one is psychotic, cruel, and actually fun.. and the other is way too self-righteous, eats Bambi, and painstakingly sculpts that hero hair each and every morning."

Caroline smiles at my appearance, and Stefan rolled his eyes at my comment before turning back to Caroline, "Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that but...hey, listen, let's hunt okay? And then after that we'll go to the swimming hole."

"Really?" she perked up.

"Oh yeah," I agreed, "I love spending time in the woods with - I'm hoping to be here when the forest animals finally enact their revenge."

"Very funny. Matt is the closest connection that you have to your humanity and I think that being around him is a good thing," Stefan wrangled the dull out of the fun once again, though I didn't disagree.

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