(One of) The One(s) Where I Snap Damon's Neck (13)

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The late 1600s were significant for only one reason - I helped someone transition.

I made it a point to never do this. I made it a point to distance myself from other vampires entirely.

So why did I get involved this time?

Just this one time - I simply couldn't help it.

The girl was rather hard to deal with at first, if we're being honest. I wouldn't have mourned her death - I might have even caused it.

She made severely inappropriate comments, comments that could easily result in death in this time period. Comments that could easily result in death by my hand if I was in a foul mood.

I only came to see her true caring and self-sacrificial nature through the death of her parents and her care of her brother.

It struck a bit of a chord with me - and I couldn't watch history repeat itself, yet I could not look away either.

So, I found blood to turn her. I trained her. I watched her become the best vampire I had known.

I watched her take on a new vampire - much like I had for her.

And, finally, I watched her die.


"Could we try and be less stereotypical?" I ask, making a face at Caroline as I walk back in her hospital room.

Why am I asking? Well, that would be because she's surrounded by blood bags, the dark red substance completely coating her face.. obviously.

Granted, I probably shouldn't have left her alone.

Yet Baby Gilbert had died and come back to life and yada yada yada. Then, he wanted my compelled memories gone. Not that I was surprised by that.

I could tell Elena was slightly hurt by it, though.

I couldn't have cared less - he didn't seem much affected by it either, honestly.

He had looked at me said 'huh, I don't feel any different about you.'

I didn't know whether that meant he hadn't cared for me much as his sister, or he still did - either way, everything was peachy with me.

Sentiment sent my way by Angsty wasn't high on my priority list in this town.

"Why am I so hungry?" she groaned, "I see what I'm doing and it makes me want to puke but it also feels so good."

"Because you're a blood-thirsty monster," I state happily.

"I'm still not over the fact that I died."

"Yeah well, most vampires never get over that fact. Hence the whole broody stereotype. Or as I enjoy calling it.. the Stefan stereotype."

I paused, frowning at her again before speeding to work.

"You know, I was going to help you do the actual transition in a nice classy way - but we'll roll with the whole horror movie scene you created," I muttered, speeding around and cleaning up her mess, "We have a lot to talk about."

She asked her questions, and I answered with minimal sarcasm.

Okay - you got me - maximum sarcasm.

After we were finished, she frowned, "you hate me, why are you helping me?"

"Ah, Caroline, I never hated you. Wanted to push you off a roof most of the time, maybe, but you haven't seen my hate."

She just looked at me, like she wasn't going to accept that as an answer. I sighed, "You sucked as a human. Truly horrible. Yet you remind me of someone who made an amazing vampire. She held on like hell to her humanity in a way most vampires don't - and if you're anything like she is.."

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