This Little Piggy Got Cut Off by My Dagger (23)

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I was 5 years old when I watched my parents die.

Well, get killed, actually.

The word die insinuates something natural.. something unavoidable.

This was neither.

He beat her, and us.

But, mostly her.

And finally, he went too far.

He looked at me from his spot over her lifeless body, while my baby brother cowered behind my back, "You mother deserved what she got, girl. She was an insubordinate woman."

My facial expression did not change.

Maybe if he would have noticed that, he would not have stepped closer.

Maybe if he would have noticed the malice shining in my eyes - malice that should not be possible in someone so young - maybe he would have left.

But then, he might have come back.

And that could not happen.

"I had to do it, Adalyn. You and your brother - you are insubordinate children. How dare she burden me with insubordinate children."

He stepped closer, and I visibly tensed.

"It will be quick," my father said, stepping closer again.

For the last time.

My hand clenched the dagger I gripped behind my back, knuckles turning a pale white, and everything else..

Everything else was only a blur within the confines of my memories.

The only thing I did remember was that he was wrong.

It was not quick.


I was at my breaking point.

If Niklaus used his horrible, fake-ass American accent one more time, I was going to stake myself.

It would be a relief, at this point.

Which was why I volunteered to wait for our guy, Rex.

It was a break from the insufferable men waiting outside.

We were in Pensacola, Florida, and I have yet to drink a pina colada while laying on the beach.

I think all of you can comprehend how tragic that fact truly is.

Basically, Niklaus and Stefan had fun-sucked the entire trip thus far.

Stefanie pouted, Niklaus bothered me relentlessly, and I made death threats toward each of them in turn.

But wait - it gets better (read: immensely worse)!

What could possibly be worse than that dynamic, you ask? 

You don't think anything could possibly be more bleak than a colada-less life?

I didn't either, once. Those were happy times.

As it turns out, watching Niklaus attempt to bromance Stefan is infinitely worse than my lack of coladas.

It was borderline sad.  Anytime Niklaus felt hurt in the slightest at his failed attempts, he would respond with cruelty.

Not that Stefan caught on to the hurt - it took me a good century with the man to recognize his reactions to certain feelings.

All Stefan saw was unfounded cruelty.

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