In Loving Memory of Stefan's Last Two Brain Cells (8)

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I woke up to Damon sitting on the foot of my bed, "Up and at 'em."

I shrieked, I cannot lie.

"Mhm. Good morning to you too."

At this, I gripped the stake that I kept under my pillow and chucked it at his throat.

"Reflexes aren't great in the morning, good to know," he says as he catches it.

"Get out," I groan.

"No can do," he smirks, "we have places to go, people to eat.. I mean see."

"Please get another friend," I mumble in a tired voice as I roll over.

At this point, he vamp-speeds the blanket off the bed.  The problem was that I was cocooned, and this caused me to go flying onto the floor.

I sit up slowly, glaring at him.

"Get out, so I can change," I say lowly - internally vowing payback.

"You have nothing that I haven't seen before," he smirks.

"I have nothing that you will ever see again, after I gouge your eyeballs from their sockets."

And on that happy note, he disappeared.


"Mmm. Good morning," Elena says to Stefan, not noticing Damon on the foot of the bed and me leaning casually against the wall.

"I could get used to this," Stefan responds, and I can't force back my gag.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads," Damon says, obviously ecstatic at his opportunity to annoy the couple.

They sit up quickly, pulling the sheets up to their chins.

"Damon! Adie! Please!" Elena shouts.

"What are you doing?" Stefan shouts at the same time.

"Oh, stop being smutty," Damon says in his I think I'm hilarious voice.

Stefan covers up Elena more thoroughly, "Seriously, get out of here!"

"If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it. Now listen, we have some very important business to discuss."

"And it has to be right now?" Elena asks, annoyed.

"Apparently," I grumble.

"Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal."

Stefan and Elena look at each other, and I narrow my eyes at them, speaking loudly, "Well I got woken up an hour ago - thrown out of bed, literally - so I feel bad for.." I pause to pretend like I'm considering my answer, "no one."

I smile brightly.

Damon starts in on his plans, "So, in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First things first-since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty."

"Since when am I helping?"

"Well, Stefan's helping, and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, ergo..."

"You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do," Stefan looks at Elena.

"Okay, let's not act like he's asking her to go work a corner," I respond, annoyed.

"I'll look for it tonight," Elena concedes, smiling at  my comment before laying back down and pulling the sheet over her head.

"Good," Damon approves.

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