RIP My Mental Health

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So I think I speak for the whole fandom when I say that we're all shook, unhinged and sad asf!

Like I mean Riverdale belongs to the devil now this much chaos in one episode I was constantly checking the time until it was end because uk usually when it gets very juicy it just ends rightttt😐😐

Also shout out to those who knew it was Hal all along. You guys need to be Detectives!!!!

RIP Fangs 🗻 I just made u official too😢 in commercial of Fangs tomorrow I will be posting the Fangs Imagine I wrote up. Y'all don't know how much I cried because he loved Midge and she oiled him because of her assumption/opinions now they're both dead. May their souls meet in Heaven and make love💙

Jughead u better be alright 😭😭😭💔💔💔

I also hope that FP finds out and kills Hiram because I'm so over this bullshit as of rn😑 like srsly ur that low that u would kill a child man, a mf child!!!!!!!!

Way to go Fred! When I saw lathe daddies of Riverdale (Fred, FP and Keller) I started squealing but then tragedy struck so I was saddened

The amount of Choni that we got A-mazing😍🍸

Also we saw that Reggie isn't all tough as he let's off smh u always know bullies! That's why Hiram left him high and dry...

I'm glad Hermoine has finally grew some lady balls and understands that Veronica is not spoilt but she just understands her father and doesn't want to be a pawn in his game.

Ps I'm plotting how I'm gonna kill Penny very painfully and slowly which includes shoving a hot iron rod up her ass hole so yeah.

Have a great night y'all love much
Shaley 🌹

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