Sweet Pea🍑 Request

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Gia's P.O.V

I was getting my things ready for Biology, which was after lunch. "Hey Gi ready to go to lunch?" Ethel asked me. "Yes sure, let's go" I smiled at her. While we were waiting in line, some of the serpents cut in front of us.

A tall, dark-haired one turned around. "Your Gia, right? The shy, cute girl who's sitting in front?" I gasped. He knew who I was. I shook my head slowly, yes. "I'm Sweet Pea, we have Biology next", he winked at me.

"Are you guys friends?" Ethel asked, "No Ethel I don't talk to anyone" I watched him walk away.

Biology class...

I looked through my bag, trying to find my notes book, and I could've sworn that I had packed it. "Gia your partners with Sweet Pea go sit with him please," the teacher said. I made my way to his desk when I saw a familiar green book with flasks on the outside.

"Is that..." I stuttered, "Yeah I figured when I saw this and started guessing" he opened the book to the back. Where 'Gia+SweetPea' was scribbled neatly in the back surrounded by hearts in pink. I instantly blushed and froze.

"Gia please have a seat," the teacher told me. "S-sorry", I mumbled, sitting on the stool. "You like me?" He asked. "Uh", I looked at my feet. "Yes?" He placed his hand on my thigh. "Yeah", I replied nervously, looking at his hand. "Is that okay?" He asked. "Yes", I smiled nervously.

He moved it higher and closer in between my legs. "This good?" I bit my lip, getting slightly excited. "Wait we're in school..." I mumbled. "That's what makes it better", he whispered. I turned to look at him, and he winked. Could he....no

He slowly moved his hand up and down my thigh. "Gia and Sweet Pea you are doing the reproductive system" the teacher placed a folder in front of us. "I think some hands-on action will help me draw it better" I felt two fingers rubbing against me. "What do you think Gia?"

"Yee", I squeaked, feeling his fingers grip me. "Perfect how about you come by my place later?" He smirked

"Sure", my face beet red.

The last request on this book, dang I'm so emotional, but I had to get it out its been here so long, waiting to be finished lmaooo

I hope u enjoy it
It's not up to the standard I like, but I really wanted to finish it for you.

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