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Brotherly Love
Description:- Your Kevin's sister, and I don't want to give anything else away.

Y/n's POV

"Wherever, whenever you and I will be together I'll be here and you'll be there and that's the deal, my dear!" I happily sang along with Shakira as I got myself ready for school.

I heard knocking on the door. "Come on Sharika, dad's making breakfast", I laughed. "I'm coming" I double-checked my pigtails before exiting my room "Good morning dad, bro", I smiled. "Hey princess", my dad kissed my cheek. "Hey sis, get a plate I'll pour you something to drink" I grabbed a plate and walked to the table.

"Nothing fancy just some eggs, bacon and toast" (I made my emo friend laugh at this, I felt so happy) his eyes sparkling, wrinkles in his skin near his eyes meaning he's getting old, I couldn't help but laugh "It's alright dad I'll do breakfast tomorrow" Kevin snorted "You can't wake yourself up" I glared at him "Hush your face hole!" He started laughing.

"So Kevin are you going to watch that new movie Love, something?" Dad asked him, "Mmh I'm not sure, N/n do you want to come with me?" He looked at me. "I'm not sure might have something to do" I started scooping egg onto toast.

"Like?" My dad eyed me suspiciously. "Oh my god not like that jeez!" I rolled my eyes. "Is it Fangie Fangs?" Kevin mocked me. "Don't do that Kevin! Yes, maybe who knows" I shrugged my shoulders, continuing to eat.

"Oh well he's gay," Kevin said. I choked, "No he's not!" I managed to yell at him once clearing my passageway. "He was checking out my ass ", my dad started laughing. "You guys are a piece of work you know that" I glared at them both. "He's straight!" I reiterated.
"Whatever you say sis", Kevin started eating.


"Hey, milkshake!" I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and a kiss placed on my cheek. Only one person calls me that "Hi Fangs" I gave him a small peck on the cheek, he gives me the best butterflies, but we're just friends, really old, close friends, so all kisses are platonic, I guess.

"You coming to the White Wyrm later?" He asked me, "I'm not sure, I have some backed up homework" I closed my locker.

"Y/n! Fangs!" I heard my now annoying brother's voice yell behind us. "Sup' Keller!" I giggled at Fangs comment, "Life. Y/n I need to talk to you privately" Kevin pulled me away.

"Talk to you later!" I waved at Fangs he gave me a small smile. We entered a storage room. "What happened?" I asked him as soon as he closed the door, "I asked Moose to go with me to watch 'Love, Simon' but he's already going with Midge" he rolled his eyes at the end. "Kev that's his girlfriend what did you expect?" I asked him incredulously.

"I am so over Riverdale and it's closeted gay children" I was not at all shocked by his behaviour. He is sort of a drama queen. "I have told you numerous times, one day you will get a beautiful, openly gay boy until then you gotta move with the wind" he leaned against the wall, looking despondent. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm here for you always" he hugged me back.

Later in the day, we each got a call from Josie telling us to meet her at Pops ASAP! When we got there, I heard the worst news I could ever hear my dad was cheating on my mom. He was having an affair with Mrs McCoy. I don't know why but I got up and started walking.

It wasn't until Kevin stopped me that I realized I was crying. "Everything is gonna be alright N/n" he tried soothing me, but that didn't work. How could he do that to mom? After everything, I don't understand why dad would do that. We exited the cab and entered the house. It just had to be him sitting there waiting. "Go upstairs", Kevin whispered in my ear.

I ran up the stairs and opened the door. Loud shouting could be heard between Kevin and dad, slamming the door shut. I collapsed on the bed a noise went off, signalling a message. I picked the phone up and watched the screen.

Two messages from Bestie 😏😎🐉
Hey milkshake, u still coming? ~5:44 pm
Are u ok? ~6:15 pm

Milkshake💝🔐 (this is what Fangs has u as on his 📱)
Family problems, I'm staying home. Ttyl.

I replied quickly before tossing my phone on my beanbag and snuggled into my warm mattress. The door creaked as someone opened it then I felt arms go around my shoulder. "It's alright sis it's just me, go to sleep" he softly brushed my hair back with his hand, wiping away some fallen tears.

I woke up the next day still in the clothes from yesterday; it was only eight in the morning. I cautiously rolled out of bed and stretched. "Cereal and milk should be good", I mumbled.

Knock knock  "I'm coming jeez!" I ran down the stairs and looked through the hole and saw Fangs.

I opened the door. "Milkshake your alright" he hugged me. He always showed me his soft side once it was just us. "Yeah I told you that" we entered the room. "You still don't know, I like you Y/n, I was worried about you that's why I'm here I couldn't sleep properly" I turned and watched him, mouth open. "What!" He laughed, wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"Yes, I really love you Y/n Keller. Can I?" He rubbed my bottom lip gently with his thumb. "Yeah", I whispered. Our lips touched, sealing our newfound passion and relationship. I pulled away from him, face hot "I was about to eat you want anything?" He smirked at me. "One more minute" he placed his lips back on mine.

"Woah! I'm going back to bed" I blushed profusely after hearing my older brothers voice. I buried my face in Fang's chest. "Let's go eat milkshake" I felt him lift me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My Fangs forever ❤

I hope u guys enjoyed it! Fangs will be missed but will forever be in our hearts...💚 Update: Fangs is actually alive yay!!

I'm writing a new one for FP after the whole Jughead incident so look out for it. Vote and comment 🌹

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