Was It A Dream

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He came to me in a dream, cold, hungry and unkept. He said he had been here for days, lost everything he owned. He asked if I could give him a place to clean up and stay the night. Normally I would have said no but something about his blue eyes captured my soul. I felt safe with him, he felt like home.

He takes a shower then soaks in the tub. He calls to me, he's still unshaven but all cleaned up. He's beautiful, his body chiseled and sexy. Jared:"Don't be shy, I don't bite" I smiled at him Me:"the guest room is all ready for you" J:"Thank you but I won't be needing it just yet, will you scrub my back please" my heart pounds and my breath quickens. He leans forward and I step into the bath behind him and sit on the edge of the tub. J:"Thank you" Me:" your welcome......"I pick up the sponge and gently scrub his back, he moans and my hearts almost stops. He leans back against me his eyes closed I take the sponge to his chest and squeeze the excess water out while my free hand dances on his skin, I feel myself wanting him his eyes slowly open and he looks deep into my soul. He takes my hand and gently presses it to his lips. My other hand let's go of the sponge and my fingers dance on his skin. Him:"Don't be afraid" I whisper "I'm not" he turns to face me, he is so intoxicating. J:"Join me" my heart races, I go to speak but my lips fail me, he pulls off my nighty and smiles. J:"Beautiful" his fingers dance on my bare skin. He caresses the curve of my breast and let's his fingers travel lower still. He slips his fingers between my hips and my lace panties J:"you won't be needing these" And he pushes them down gently. He slowly moves my legs apart and gently pulls me toward him and I gasp at the feel of him. My heart threatens to beat out of my chest and my breath hitches. J:" I won't hurt you" With just the tips of my fingers I trace his eyebrow, caress his cheek, his nose, his lips. He gently kisses my fingers. The feel of his lips, his tongue makes me moan J:"You want me?" I look into his eyes, move in closer and replace my fingers with my lips. Dear God his lips are like wine the more I have the more I want. His lips and his tongue dance down my neck and chest. He savors my breast as I get intoxicated by his touch. His kisses dance lower still and stop just short of his sweet reward. J:"You still want me?" I look into his eyes, Me:"Take what you need, it's yours." He scoops me up into his arms a moves us over to the my bed. He lowers me gently and we get lost in each others embrace. Our bodies, our hearts our souls become one. Exhausted and content we fall asleep in each others arms.

The warmth of the sun awakens me but he is gone he scent, his embrace lingers. I still feel his lips on my skin, his body pressed to mine. The bathroom is dry, the guest room untouched but my body is bare, my clothes lie on the bathroom floor yet the tub is undisturbed. Was it a dream, did I imagine him?

For days he haunts my waking moments, at night he haunts my dreams. My body aches for his touch, my heart for his soul. I go down to the beach in search of peace. I walk along the waters edge, the breeze cool and comforting. The water refreshes my skin, I bend down and wet my hands and touch my neck and chest. I continue to walk enjoying this little bit of peace. I look ahead in the distance and my heart almost stops, It cannot be, his beard is trimmed his hair is pulled back but it's him. Our eyes lock and he smiles, he gets up and starts walking towards me. I think to myself it's just an illusion, I close my eyes breath in deeply and open them again. He's still there, I walk toward him and we stop short of each other. He is more beautiful than I remember, his eyes bluer, his stare deeper and more intense. J:I know you" his hand gently caresses my face and I lean into his touch and place my hand over his, he feels like heaven Me:"And I know you" We kiss and he moans into my lips "How is this possible" he kisses my neck and holds me tight. Me:"I don't know, but I'm so happy I found you" J:"Now that you have, I'm never letting you go" and he kisses me again. J:"I'm Jared by the way" Me:"I'm Nina" and we laughed J:"Wait, we've already met haven't we? I smile at him Me:"Yes, we have" and we continue my walk down the beach hand in hand


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