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Everyone's POV
Bays news 9 [ not good at news reports so bare with me and excuse mistakes ]

Hello everyone, we are back on air today with a new and interesting topic. Recently there has been a report of a beaten teen, almost to death. Reporters say the ten by the name of Cyleena Martin was found left on her front porch after what it seems like a horrifying beaten that almost lead to a huge amount of brain damage.

She had been rushed to the hospital when noticed by a neighbor who just got home from shopping. The neighbor said this...

"I was pulling up to my driveway and you know I'm really familiar with the neighbors. So I walked over to check up on them and I happen to see her lying down on the porch. She was still breathing but I decided to take her to the hospital just in case. Her mom was at work but I assured her about it as soon as she got back"

The young teen was lucky to be saved by her neighbor. The teen says she doesn't know who, or what happened, but there is no sign of memory loss in any places.

Now reporting back to Heather for the Weather.


Mayne, Kalea Cyleena coming after your ass, she ain't got no damn memory loss, but she ain't rating you out" I said to her.

"Fuck her, she ain't go do NOT A GODAMN THING" she said rolling her fat ass neck.

"I know she ain't, I got shootas on the roof if she tryna get capped" I said pulling out my gun.

"Y'all ass wild" Kentrell said laughing.

"But fr, ion give a flying fuck. I should of kilt her ass" Kalea said mugging.

"That's your bestfriend, you can't go around killing your friends like that Lea" Kentrell said.

"Ouuu shit" Jay said.

"Kentrell, don't fucking play with me. I'll do you like I did her" she said getting up finna go after Kentrell ass.

"Alright, I'm sorry now sit your small ass down" Kentrell said back to her.

She sat down and folded up her arms and crossed her legs with a mug on her face.

"Why you mad shawt?" Kentrell asked her.

"FUCK YOU" she mouthed flicking Kentrell off.

"When?" He said back.

"Y'all nasty" I said busting out laughing. They all started laughing too.


I heard my phone beep so I went to my messages.

Draco: Hannin, haven't heard from you since we played ball that day? Wyd?

I totally forgot about Draco and leek ass.

Me: Damn, my bad I forgot you even existed 😂.

Draco: it's all cool, I ain't forget your fine ass tho"

I started smiling because it was cute but I stopped.

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