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A Utopia.

Plush pink cotton candy clouds, fresh peppermint grass, dark chocolate dirt.

Ally had built an entire world from her imagination purely to get away from reality.

Currently, she was biting her lip, leaning over her desk with a pencil hovering over crisp white paper.

"Ally!" Her mother, Mrs. Gunderman called, startling her from her focused thoughts. "Breakfast!"

"Okay!" Ally yelled back. She closed her journal, which she wrote said world in, and hid it under her mattress, where no one would ever look. As she ran down the stairs, Ally became entranced by the smell of bacon and eggs sizzling on the pan, drowned in oil.

Bacon, eggs, and toast every day, Ally decided, making a mental note of the breakfast her dream world would have.

"Hi, Mom," Ally murmured, taking a seat in her usual seat, next to her little brother. He had a cupcake on his plate, and looked like he was dying to eat it. Billy was practicAlly drooling over the chocolate cupcake and artificial blue frosting.

"Ally, aren't you going to say something to your brother?" Mrs. Gunderman asked, emptying the eggs onto a huge platter and setting it down on the table.

"Huh?" Ally asked, distracted by the smell of the food.

"It's Billy's birthday!" Mrs. Gunderman exclaimed. Billy crossed his arms, disappointed in his sister.

"Oh, yeah! Happy birthday, squirt," Ally muttered. She gathered a plate of toast, eggs and bacon and a fork into her hands.

"I'll just eat in my room, I'll be late for school!" Ally ran up the stairs, nearly tripping over her pajama pants in her hurry to get away from the suffocating awkwardness that was sure to gloom over the breakfast table if she was a part of it. She ignored her mother ordering her to eat with Billy and the birthday boy shouting, "But you didn't even get me a present!"

Ally didn't reAlly notice. She probably wouldn't even eat all of her breakfast, as usual.

She would be too busy escaping into her fantasy.

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