The New Story

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The New Story

"I....I... umm" Ally started. Her face flushed, she did not dare look in Aaron's eyes.

"I know you were defending yourself. It's okay. But next time, just don't let her get to you." Aaron replied, kindness in his voice. Ally smiled and half hugged Aaron, then left hurriedly in search of her next class.

Her new journal, a red cover and white, lined pages smelled like newly printed paper and Ally loved the feel of her pen scratching against it.

She prompted to start using her study hall time to continue the story. The words flew out, about the forbidden relationship between the two main characters.

Cece looked judgmentAlly at Jay. Jay did the same.

"Who are you?" Cece asked, cocking her head.

"Jay," he replied. "Who are you? No one lives in the Enchanted Forest."

"I'm Cece, and why are you in the Human World? No one except the war-makers live there."

"I'm a human, but not a war-maker. I'm not supposed to talk to you, I guess, if everyone says no one except the fairies exist in the Enchanted Forest. Now I know it's wrong." Jay stopped pushing the board of the loose fence.

"We're much better folk here!" Cece cried indignantly.

"You're probably right. What are you, anyway?" Jay admitted.

"I'm an elf-girl. See?" Cece indicated, showing off her long, pointy ears.


Ally looked criticAlly at her first page. Good. It was good.

Cece showed Jay the next day, how she could fly, because she was part fairy on her mother's side. Her tiny wings glimmered up above the fence, where Jay watched her in amazement.

"That's so amazing," Jay said in awe. "Would I be able to fly?"

Cece thought. "I could ask my witch aunt to come up with a spell, but I don't get my wand till another year."

"That's okay,"Jay said eagerly, "I can wait a year."

Penny was coming towards Aaron. He looked down and started to press himself off the stairs, but she pushed him down and grinned a white smile.


"Uh, hi. Um, if you haven't noticed, we're in middle school, and I gotta get to my next class-" Aaron started.

"Woah. We have-" Penny checked her watch. "Three minutes to chit-chat!"

"Well, I'd rather-"

"Aaron, hun!" Penny continued. "I have two tickets to see a movie this Saturday... Wanna come?"

Aaron shook his head. "Can't. I'm meeting up with Ally-"

"WHY DO YOU ONLY TALK TO HER? She's not pretty! She's not rich. She's not beautiful and popular, like me? I bet you'd love it so much more if I kissed you!" Penny whined, twirling and twirling her hair.

"She's beautiful! She's ten times more pretty than you! So shut up!" Aaron retorted. He walked away from a shaken, flushed Penny, who screamed," You won't get away with this!"

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