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Aaron stood at the front of the class, taking in his silent classmates. They all seemed rather bored of the scenario, like it wasn't anything interesting. He did agree with that, though. Nothing was good about a new student — it just made everyone uncomfortable.

One girl caught his attention, however. Green eyes, with a startling clarity to them, locked with his blue counterparts, but they seemed far-off, not quite recognizing she was staring.

"Maybe you'd like to introduce yourself?" The teacher, Mrs. Cooper asked, with a tight-lopped smile decorating her face.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Aaron, and yeah, nice to meet you, I guess." Aaron said, rocking back and forth awkwardly.

"Well, hi, Aaron!" Mrs. Cooper said nervously, biting her lip. She pointed to a seat in the back. "You can sit over there from now on." He nodded and slowly made his way to the back of the classroom.

The teacher looked around the class, muttering, "We might need someone to help you find your around the school today..."

"Ally, would you like to show Aaron around today?" The entire class, including Aaron, looked in her direction.

The girl didn't answer. She was staring off into space, twirling her pencil around nimbly between two fingers.

"Ally? Ally?" Mrs. Cooper persisted. She finAlly glanced up, looking around at the class that was staring at her.


"Would," Mrs. Cooper regained her composure, "You like to show Aaron around today?"

"Who's Aaron?" Her classmates began to giggle. She had spaced out the entire time.

"Uh, me..." Aaron stood up. Ally turned to the back of the room, scanning Aaron's rugged jeans, sneakers, leather jacket, white tee, and spiked hair. She cocked an eyebrow — the new kid looked like a gangster that tried too hard.

Ally scoffed slightly, but turn backed to her teacher to say, "Sure, Mrs. Cooper."

Aaron sat down slowly, furrowing his brows. What was up with that girl?

"This is the cafeteria. It's lunchtime. If you have any more questions, you should just ask someone else." Ally started out of the cafeteria, but Aaron caught her arm.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine," Ally muttered. Aaron looked her up and down. She was reAlly skinny. She couldn't be on a diet or anything...

"What's wrong with you?" Aaron blurted. Ally's gaze shifted to his eyes.

"Me? What's wrong with me? What about you, new kid? Trying to act all tough? I bet you're just a pathetic coward, Aaron. Don't think you're perfect." Ally yanked her arm away and stalked off.

What... was that? Aaron thought.

Aaron followed Ally at a distance.

Ally rubbed bloated her eyes, sneezing as sitting down in the library. What was up with Aaron? He was so rude. Opening her journal, she read the last paragraph she had written.

'Ceci moved along the chocolate dirt road and looked at the candy apples hanging on a candy tree. Plucking it gently, Ceci felt the gooey apple and took a tender bite. A juicy liquid flooded her mouth, as did a sweet caramel covering.'

Ceci was her Utopian self, perfect and beautiful. Ally bit her pen. What should she write?

"Ceci?" Ally jumped and turned around. Aaron stood behind her, grinning. Her eyes widened and she promptly closed her journal. She walked out of the library briskly, and Aaron started chasing her.

"Hey!" Aaron called.

"What do you want?" Ally complained, turning around. Then she thought of a good idea.

A new character in her world, an evil boy, nosy and rude. Named who? Of course, Aaron. Ceci would defeat him and return her world back into a Utopia.

"Sorry if I bugged you," Aaron apologized. "I just wanted to know what you write in that journal all the time."

"Fine, if you leave me alone, I'll tell you. Okay? I make myself a Utopian world, so that I can get away from rude people like you." Ally answered. Having done so, she immediately felt embarrassment bloom on her face, and turned on her heel to run away.

"Hey, if you would stop looking at me like I'll hurt you, maybe we can actuAlly try to be friends," Aaron called after her. Ally froze. Friends?

"What?" Ally asked, spinning around, her puffy green eyes boring into his metallic blue ones.

"You don't like me—" Aaron started.

"Obviously. Can you blame me?" Ally snorted.

"No, I guess not. But anyway, what if I helped you write about your world? I've always liked writing." Aaron shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

"Seriously?" Ally questioned, gauging Aaron's expression. "I mean, I've never met someone who's actuAlly offered to help me with my world, and it's not reAlly a book or anything..."

"Well, maybe we can make it a book."

"Okay." Ally began to feel sort of excited. She would have someone help her write her perfect world, somewhere she constantly wanted to be.

Aaron flashed her a dazzling smile before waving goodbye.

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